

Anne VanderMey 2011年12月05日



    离开谷歌的人士中,最有名气的或许是谢丽尔•桑德伯格。曾经担任谷歌全球网络销售与运营副总裁的桑德伯格现在是Facebook公司首席运营官,她是一位无可置疑的商业巨星。此外还有曾任谷歌亚太和拉美地区运营总裁的苏克辛德•辛格•卡西迪。在担任了一段时间加速合伙公司(Accel Partners)的常驻CEO和社交购物网站Polyvore的CEO之后,她创办了购物网站Joyus.com。富有魅力的中东地区营销总裁瓦伊勒•高尼姆从谷歌辞别,参与策动了埃及革命。与此同时,基恩成了网络出版公司Associated Content的CEO,并于去年夏天将这家公司以1亿美元的价格卖给了雅虎公司(Yahoo)。


    其他人或许仅仅只是因为选错了东家。谷歌公司前全球销售副总裁马戈•乔治艾迪斯仅仅在团购网站Groupon担任了5个月的首席运营官之后,又重返这家搜索巨头,出任美洲区广告销售和运营业务总裁。2008年,谷歌东南亚区销售业务总裁理查德•金柏成为Friendster公司的CEO,尽管这家交友网站在美国本土的声名不佳,但后来还是被卖给了马来西亚电子支付公司MOL global,现在已经成了一家游戏网站。在其他地方,有些博客对一些前谷歌营销高管的评价一直都不太友善,一些初创公司的最终结局也差强人意。





    当然,许多前谷歌人还没有经历过大的成败。有些前谷歌营销或销售员工在诸如个人信息聚合网站FriendFeed, 社交广告公司Media6Degrees, 百科知识网站Factual以及数字和移动营销解决方案供应商Edo Interactive这样一些(但不限于此)颇有潜力的初创公司任职。还有一些销售员工去了LimeWire和网络视频公司Veoh这样的公司,后者在濒临破产之际被投资者收购。就目前而言,这些前谷歌人最终会成为下一个谢丽尔•桑德伯格,还是蒂姆•阿姆斯特朗,谁都说不准。


    When he worked at Google, Patrick Keane got a lot of calls from recruiters. For a while, as director of sales strategy and field marketing, Keane would get a new offer every week practically begging him to sign on as the CEO of a "weird-undefined-logo tech startup," as he puts it.

    Keane eventually left, joining the ranks of hundreds of ex-Googlers (GOOG) who have jumped into the eager embrace of a tech world wowed by the fabulous rise of the Mountain View, California-based company. Since it went public in 2004, Google's DNA -- from HR's impossible brain teasers to the rabid focus on data in its decision-making -- has conferred on its engineers a desirability that may be unparalleled in Silicon Valley. What about Google's sales and marketing people? Results have been mixed.

    The best-known Google expat is likely Sheryl Sandberg. Formerly the company's global online sales and operations VP, Sandberg is now COO of Facebook and a bone fide business superstar. There's also Suhkinder Singh Cassidy, formerly Google's top sales executive for Asia-Pacific and Latin America. She founded shopping site Joyus.com after a stint as CEO-in-residence of Accel Partners and CEO of Polyvore. Google's charismatic Middle Eastern marketing head Wael Ghonim took leave from his job to help catalyze the Egyptian revolution. And Keane, meanwhile, became the CEO of web publishing company Associated Content before selling it to Yahoo (YHOO) for $100 million last summer.

    There are plenty of less-than-stellar performances, though. Tim Armstrong is perhaps the company's best-known flameout. The former Google sales boss has so far failed to stem the bleeding at the perpetually struggling AOL (AOL). He brought in and then canned former Googlers like head of ad sales Jeff Levick and head of media David Eun. The company has sputtered from strategy to strategy after early efforts to apply a Google-like focus on data failed.

    Others might have just picked the wrong company. Margo Georgiadis, Google's former VP of global sales, spent just five months as the COO of Groupon (GRPN) before returning to the search giant as the head of ad sales and operations in the America's. In 2008 Southeast Asia sales chief Richard Kimber became the CEO of Friendster – which despite its tarnished reputation stateside -- was later sold to Malaysian company MOL global, and is now a gaming site. Elsewhere, some blogs have been less than kind to some former marketing execs, and some startups end poorly.

    Given the challenges of working elsewhere -- no free food, no climbing wall -- why would an employee leave at all? Google is consistently in Fortune's top 5 best companies to work for ranking, and the company has recently been hiking salaries in an effort to stem brain drain to competitors like Facebook. (The company declined to comment for this story.)

    Non-engineers at the company face unique roadblocks, for one. Decision-making is famously numbers-based, and the leadership has traditionally disdained advertising. An intensely quantitative culture can make it difficult for sales staff (or any non-engineer) to get noticed.

    And then there's the draw of the startup. Many simply feel they can make a bigger name for themselves faster by leaving Mountain View. There's a high demand for sales folk as well as marketing employees. "People that have been with Google for a few years on the marketing side are highly sought after," says David Voss, COO of Silicon Valley executive staffing firm Foxhunt. "I'd say in the top 1%."

    Says former Googler Keane, "Google's a good place to poach sales talent. There's a good farm club." Ex-Googlers led enterprises tend to command more attention from the media and investors alike. Plus, it's hard to pass up the chance to be the top dog at a growing company, even one not as iconic as Google. "There's something very satisfying about having the ultimate authority," Keane says.

    Of course, many ex-Google employees have yet to meet success or failure. There are former Google marketing or sales employees at promising startups including (but not limited to) FriendFeed, Media6Degrees, Factual and Edo Interactive. Other sales staffers left for spots at the likes of LimeWire and web video startup Veoh, which was bought while on the brink of bankruptcy. For now, whether they turn out more like Sheryl Sandberg or Tim Armstrong is anyone's guess.

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