另外,员工们可能会认为,如果他们使用自己的iPhone或黑莓手机发微博,或在社交网站进行交友,那么他们在网上说什么、做什么,就完全是他们自己的事——哪怕他们使用的是公司的工作微博账户,或是其它由公司赞助的网络平台。这样就使公司平台和个人平台的界限进一步模糊了。 有一种办法可以避免出现PhoneDog这样的法律纠纷,那就是由公司针对社交媒体制定一份人人都能理解的政策,不过普士高法律事务所表示,现在大约半数的公司都没有制定类似政策(尽管43%的企业表示存在“员工滥用社交媒体”的现象)。 布隆指出:“社交媒体这一技术发展得很快,企业政策还没有来得及跟上。”她认为,企业在批准员工打着公司旗号闯荡社交网络之前,应该“先坐下来考虑清楚你想要保护什么”,然后确保员工明白这一点。 与此同时,对于那些不想重蹈克拉维茨的覆辙的人,布隆也提供了以下建议:“借鉴个人邮件和Facebook账号的做法,在公司的工作账号之外,以个人的名义开设自己的微博,然后建立独特的、个人的网络形象。” 这样一来,当你离开现在的工作时,起码不会惹上官司。 译者:朴成奎 |
Blurring the boundaries further, employees may assume that, if they use their own personal iPhones or BlackBerrys to tweet, connect, or friend, then whatever they're doing or saying online is their own business -- even if they use company-owned Twitter handles or other corporate-sponsored platforms to do it. One way to avoid the kind of legal hugger-mugger PhoneDog is embroiled in: Write up a company policy on social media that everyone understands, which Proskauer's survey says about half of all employers have yet to do (even though 43% report "employee misuse" of social media). "The technology has moved so fast that policies have yet to catch up," Bloom notes. Before unleashing employees in cyberspace under the company banner, she says, "sit down and think carefully about what you want to protect." Then make sure employees get it. At the same time, for anyone who wants to steer clear of Kravitz's predicament, Bloom offers this advice: "The same way you have your own personal email and Facebook accounts, separate from your employer's, develop your own Twitter following with your own personal handle. Create your own distinct, individual online persona." If and when you leave your current job, it just might keep you out of court. |