

COLLEEN LEAHEY 2012年05月24日


公司:美国守护者人寿保险公司(Guardian Life Ins. Of America)


    美国守护者人寿保险公司(Guardian Life Insurance)CEO迪安娜•穆里根在接受内布拉斯加NET Radio电台采访时说:“我不觉得身为女性有什么额外的压力,反而我感觉到额外的责任。”在她的成长过程中,几乎没有偶像,因此,她希望能激励年轻女性敢于梦想。“我希望年轻的姑娘们明白,职业机遇正等待她们去垂青,她们能够做到。”

Deanna M. Mulligan

Company: Guardian Life Ins. Of America

Fortune 500 rank: 250

    "I don't feel any added pressure being a woman, but I do feel added responsibility," Guardian Life Insurance CEO Deanna Mulligan told Nebraska's NET Radio. Growing up, she had few role models and hopes to inspire young women to dream beyond state lines. "I want young girls out there to know that if this is the career opportunity that appeals to them, they can do it."

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