

COLLEEN LEAHEY 2012年05月24日




    2006年,沃尔茨成为ADM公司(Archer Daniels Midland,ADM)CEO,当时她面临的管理挑战非常微妙。她在2008年《财富》最具影响力商界女性峰会上说:“对于一家被人们逐渐遗忘的公司,形势非常艰难。”听听她有哪些宝贵建议吧:就算座椅要倒了,也要尽量坐稳。“顺境之中,公司领导应该居安思危,审时度势,同时考虑接下来会发生什么。”

Patricia A. Woertz

Company: Archer Daniels Midland

Fortune 500 rank: 28

    When Pat Woertz became the CEO of ADM in 2006, the management challenges she faced were subtle. "It's very difficult, I think, in a company that's not failing to get people's attention," she said at the 2008 Fortune Most Powerful Women Summit. Her advice? Stay on the edge of your seat, even if it's tempting to lean back. "When things are going well, leaders should probably be the most paranoid types... looking over our shoulder and worrying what's on the next horizon."

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