斯劳特听说过无数的类似故事,有职业抱负的女性得不到为升迁和保持高层职位所需的条件。毫无疑问,很多公司里一直有女性晋升的无形障碍。而女性可接受的行为范围没有男性那么大(努力争先的女性在异性和同性同事中同样不受欢迎)。桑德伯格在其公开谈话中也承认这类制度壁垒,但她谈论的重点并不是系统障碍。 斯劳特和桑德伯格应该见个面。我认识她们两位多年,她们在投入某项事业时,不仅仅表现出智慧和韧性。如同斯劳特所说,她们“是两个非常成功的女性,致力于同一事业,只是对问题的症结所在抱有不同观点。”虽然没有互相配合,但因为一致的目标,这两位女性领袖将能够帮助有职业抱负的女性营造一个男女机会均等的职场环境。 |
Slaughter says she has heard countless similar stories from aspiring women denied the conditions they need to move up and remain there. No question, glass ceilings persist at many companies. And it is the rare workplace where the band of acceptable behavior is as wide for women as it is for men. (Hard-charging women tend to be viewed as unlikable by both male and female colleagues.) As for Sandberg, she, in her public talks, acknowledges the institutional barriers. But the systemic blocks are not what she spends most of her time talking about. Slaughter and Sandberg should meet. I've known both of them for several years, and they are not only smart and relentless when committed to a cause. They are, as Slaughter says, "two very successful women who want the same things. We just have some disagreements about where the problems lie." In sync—or if not in sync, at least in collaboration—these two leaders could help aspiring women and the powers that be build an environment of equal opportunity. |