如果需要雇佣人手,他会到Elance和其他招聘网站上去研究简历,把问题通过邮件发给他们,然后通过Skype来面试候选人。过去,为了节约成本,他不得不招一些初级的、毫无经验的员工,然后花费大量的时间培训他们。如今,他可以随时从网络上找到、招聘一些资深员工,这些人无需培训就能立即上手工作。 如今,企业必须为全职员工支付越来越高的医保费,还要替他们承担更多的退休金计划,平克说:“传统意义上的全职员工与自由职业者之间的界限已经越来越模糊了。” 译者:唐昕昕 |
When hiring, he studies portfolios on Elance and other online sites, reviews them, asks questions via e-mail, and can interview candidates via Skype. In the past, he was forced to hire junior, inexperienced staffers he could afford and would have to spend hours training them. Now he can find seasoned contractors online, hire them online, and have them start producing immediately -- no training required. Organizations are increasingly asking full-time employees to pay higher fees for their health care benefits and contribute a larger percentage to their retirement plans, Pink says. "The border between who's a traditional employee and who's a free agent has grown a lot murkier." |