

Brian Dumaine 2012年12月07日








    The mistake he and many other people make, Stevenson says, is that "they fall into the trap of not asking simple questions, like, 'Do I really want the same things today that I wanted last year? Are the reasons I took this job five years ago still valid now?'" The disgruntled entrepreneur eventually figured out that he didn't really want to do anything new. What really gave him fulfillment was what he had been doing before: providing for his family. So he shifted more emphasis to his "career self" and started a new company.

Considering your legacy

    Another way to figure out how to balance your seven lives, says Stevenson, is to start thinking about how your life will be perceived after it's over. What's your legacy going to be? Stevenson says people often find a mentor and then try to replicate their careers. This path, he argues, is bound for failure.  "As compelling as another's vision might be, you can't make it wholly, truly yours. A legacy is tailored to fit just one person," Stevenson says.  The better approach, he suggests, is to use a role model's perspectives as a catalyst to promote your own deep thinking about what's truly meaningful and satisfying.

    Once you have found what you think will make you happy, you have to be constantly on the lookout for what Stevenson calls  "inflection points," moments that can catapult you in a new direction. To illustrate, Sinoway uses the example of a middle level executive named Michelle whose boss was fired in a restructuring. She said that she was going to lay low and wait to find out what her new role would be in the department. She had invested 10 years in the company and was hoping for the best.

    Stevenson says she was wasting an excellent opportunity for growth. His advice: she needs to step up to management, and offer her ideas for restructuring the department and her new role in it. She might be rebuffed, but at least it would give her some valuable data about her career and prospects. And if it worked, she'd suddenly have an exciting new job.

The most challenging task of all: Being honest with yourself

    Another common mistake people make is what Stevenson calls "cheating at solitaire." A former Harvard Business School student of Stevenson's named James was frustrated in his job working for a real estate investment trust. He was smart and the hardest working person in the office, but he wasn't rising to the next level.

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