“全部放在同一天加工资可以最有效地使用这些资金。这是非常有限的资金,”阿金斯说,雇主们不想在年底就用完,导致拿不出钱来奖励那些表现出色的员工。 WorldatWork的周凯瑞表示,很多薪酬专家在争论过去两、三年平均2.5%-3.0%的薪酬涨幅是否已经成为新标准。“2009年以前的二十年中,年增幅介于3.5%至4.5%。人们完全不用担心,”他说。如今,除了软件开发工程师和石油工程师等极少数工种外,平均加薪幅度更低了。 美世的薪资调查显示,表现最好的员工(占员工总量8%)明年可以期待4.5%的平均加薪。美世称,表现最差的员工加薪幅度几乎可以忽略不计(可能只有0.1%的加薪幅度)。 至于未来几年加薪幅度是否会提高,美世的阿金斯表示,这一点在很大程度上要取决于未来经济和就业增长的情况。 但她表示,即便加薪幅度依然有限,很多人可以通过升职获得更高的收入。这样的薪水涨幅可能高达15%,而且对于大多数公司,这样的涨薪来自另外的薪酬预算。这或许是一大推动力;WorldatWork的一项最新调查发现,领薪员工今年通过升职平均获得的加薪幅度高达8.7%,高管通过升职获得的平均加薪更是达到了10.2%。 译者:杨智 |
"Doing it all on one date tends to improve the ability to spend the money in the most effective way. It's a limited pot of money," says Adkins, and companies do not want to see it run out near the end of the year and not be able to reward top-performing staffers. Many compensation professionals are debating whether the smaller pay increases of the last two or three years, averaging 2.5% to 3.0 percent, have become the new normal, WorldatWork's Chou says. "For the past 20 years, prior to 2009, increases varied from 3.5% to 4.5% every year. You could take it to the bank," he says. Now, with rare exceptions for software developers and petroleum engineers and a few other jobs, the average raises are more modest. Mercer's salary survey shows that the highest performing workers -- 8% of the total workforce -- could expect average increases of 4.5% next year. The worst performers will likely get next to nothing -- 0.1 percent raises, according to Mercer. As for whether raises could grow larger in a few years, Mercer's Adkins says that depends largely on economic and employment growth ahead. Even if raises remain modest, she notes, many people will collect higher paychecks by getting promoted. Those salary increases could be as high as 15%, and at most companies, they come from a separate pay budget. That would be a big boost; a new WorldatWork survey found the average promotional raise for salaried workers was 8.7% this year, while executives averaged 10.2%. |