

Vickie Elmer 2013年03月07日









    显然,管家这一行业正在不断地发展演化,日后将有越来越多的管家在酒店和公司就职,担当礼宾员的角色。利桑德罗•洛扎诺•阿吉亚尔以前是一名酒店保安,现在在墨西哥巴亚尔塔港的海滨度假酒店Villa Premiere Hotel & Spa担任管家。为了当好管家,他不得不学好英语,还在墨西哥城的一家酒店培训学校培训了两周。一开始,为客人熨衣服这种事情对他来说“有点小难”。当了七年管家之后,他不仅掌握了这项技能,还能为客人提供称心如意的预订服务,挑选生日和周年纪念日的插花,为度蜜月的新婚夫妇布置铺满玫瑰花瓣的婚床。“我们能想客人所想,提前为他们考虑好所有的事情。客人还没开口,我们就已经准备好为他们服务了。”(财富中文网)


Successful butlers can earn handsome salaries, plus as much as a month's paid vacation and a 401(k) plan. Top household managers can earn up to $300,000 a year, says Feigon. Several jobs posted recently paid $200,000 to $250,000 in Boston and near San Francisco. At those pay grades the job likely includes managing a sizable staff and dozens of contractors.

    The butler is also expected to stay abreast of the latest software and security systems. "Homes are so complex, estates are so large, with wine cellars, smart home technologies, and security screens," not to mention all kinds of commercial equipment in kitchens and laundries, says Miller. Butlers handle all the unpredictable needs of the household, while housekeepers manage the predictable ones such as cleaning rooms.

The new face of today's butler

    Though butlers in period dramas are all male and somewhat older, today women are working in the field, as are younger men. What's most important is that the butler "needs to mesh with the family," explains Gail Hamilton, Feigon's business partner. Besides using placement agencies, some wealthy families require butlers and other key household staff to take personality tests, she says.

    To land a new assignment, many butlers work with placement firms. Many become butlers after they outgrow another job as a personal chef or a nanny, Feigon says. Some attend one of a handful of "schools" or institutes that offer training, or they may learn on the job.

    Demand for butlers increased during the tech boom of the late 1990s, she says. Feigon sees continued growth in the field, driven by gains in wealth. And many luxury hotels have added butlers to their ranks in recent years.

    But others claim that opportunities for butlers are scarcer than they have been in the past. The number of butlers and estate or household managers working in the U.S. has declined, says Matt Haack, founder and president of the Domestic Estate Managers Association, who bases his estimates on conversations he's had with placement agencies, working butlers, and his members, individuals who work in the field. Even wealthy families have consolidated and combined some jobs in a tighter economy, he says, adding that Downton Abbey has spurred "an influx of information requests about butlers."

    Miller thinks some newly wealthy individuals do not understand the need for professional help managing their property and their lives. A talented butler used to be able to contact his agent and within days, decide on a position to pursue. "Today, it's not so. I've seen some very qualified people wait for months and months for even an interview, let alone an offer," says Miller, who's starting to plan a second career.

    It's clear that the butler's world is evolving, so that more and more, they will work in hotels and for companies as a sort of concierge. Lisandro Lozano Aguiar worked in hotel security before becoming a butler at Villa Premiere Hotel & Spa in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. He had to learn English and spent two weeks at a hotel training school in Mexico City. At first, ironing garments for guests "was a little bit kind of hard for me," he says. After seven years as a butler, he has mastered that skill, as well as locating the right book for a guest, choosing a flower arrangement for birthdays and anniversaries, and creating a rose petal-covered bed for honeymooners. "We are ahead of our guests' needs. We like to be there before they ask."

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