

Poornima Vijayashanker 2014年01月08日

    所以,拜托了,别再老是想着并到处宣扬什么所谓的答案就是教会女性如何编程。要想改变现状要做的事还很多。对我们这些早就知道如何编程,并且从青少年时期就开始干这个的女性来说,我们每天都要和内心深处的“滥竽充数综合征”(imposter syndrome,一般译为“骗子综合征”,指一个有能力的人总觉得技不如人,觉得自己是骗子而等着被人识破的心理状态——译注)作斗争,同时还得和从周围大多数人那里听到的各种关于女性角色的说法作斗争。







    So please, I beg of you, stop thinking and touting that the answer lies in merely teaching women how to code. It requires more than just that. For those of us who know how already know how to code, and have been doing since we were teenagers, we can attest to the daily internal battle we fight against the imposter syndrome, and the outward battle we fight against received mixed messages from everyone else.

    Innovation takes a great amount of knowledge, effort, and focus. Focus can only come if there is a support structure around us to help facilitate it. If we are distracted by mixed messages, and a plethora of priorities, then it will be hard to expect for us to create products that improve human life and wealth.

    The point of this post isn't to place blame, to single out anyone, or come up with excuses. It is merely to educate, and make the reader aware of the amount of effort that has to take place on an individual, social and global level if we really want to have parity of presence.

    If you want to help and truly believe in the cause of having women in tech then educate, encourage and empower every day!

    Finally, hope but please don't expect that all these efforts to yield a Mark, Jeff, Steve, or Elon by 2020, for it will only have been 100 years since we were given the right to vote in the US, we may still need an additional 43 years.

    Poornima Vijayashanker is the founder and CEO of BizeeBee, a provider of membership management software for yoga studios and other fitness businesses. She also is an adjunct instructor at Duke University's Pratt School of Engineering, and creator of the Femgineer site (where this post first appeared). She previously was a founding engineer at Mint.com (acquired by Intuit).

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