亚历克斯•杨 跳国家:从新加坡跳至加拿大 跳行业:从零售业跳至咨询业 跳职能:从运营经理跳至管理顾问 迈入罗特曼管理学院之际,现年36岁的亚历克斯•杨拥有一个明确的目标:毕业后从事一份最有利于太太和还在襁褓中的儿子的工作。他当时还没有想清楚通过什么渠道抵达这个目标。他有几个选项——重返麦当劳中国公司(McDonald's China )做他的餐厅解决方案副总裁;前往另一个国家,继续从事零售业;抑或,跳跃至管理咨询领域。 与校友和业内人士的交谈,以及在一家咨询公司的暑期实习经历,帮助他下定了决心。他说:“如果我想的话,我随时可以重返零售业,继续从事零售运用和战略业务。而进入咨询行业可以为我的后MBA职业生涯开辟更多的选项。” 为了熟悉咨询业的详细情况,杨去了一趟罗特曼管理学院就业指导中心,还参加了该校管理咨询协会组织的面试和简历准备研讨会。在他看来,从事三个层面的职业生涯转变就像是一位业余运动员参加铁人三项训练。他说:“这跟你不具备任何技能那种情形还不一样。你拥有一些基础技能,但这完全是另一个级别的竞赛。” 于杨而言,这种策略产生了效果。等到2014年5月毕业后,他将加入麦肯锡公司(McKinsey & Co.)多伦多分公司从事管理咨询工作。他说:“这项选择确实让我付出了大量艰辛的努力,但因为这是一项正确的选择,所有一切付出都是值得的。”
他忠告那些打算尝试三级跳的MBA学生,“要搞清楚你想从事何种工作,这种工作是否真的适合你。还要明白你或许需要克服哪些障碍,需要弥补哪些差距,”他说。“这的确是一段漫长的旅程。获得MBA学位后,你不一定非得完成所有这些跳跃;你的MBA学位让你拥有了改变职业生涯的机会,但这其实只是万里长征的第一步。”(财富中文网) 译者:叶寒 |
Alex Yeo Country jump: Singapore to Canada Industry jump: Retail to consulting Function jump: Operations to management consulting When Alex Yeo, 36, entered Rotman, he had a clear goal: to do what was best for his husband and their infant son. He was less clear on how to get there. He had several options -- he could return to McDonald's (MCD) China where he'd been the vice president of restaurant solutions, move to another company within the retail industry, or make a leap to management consulting. Conversations with alumni and industry professionals along with a summer internship in consulting helped him make up his mind. "I could always go back to retail and retail operations and strategy if I wanted to, whereas going to consulting opened up more post-MBA options for me," he points out. Yeo visited Rotman's career center and attended interview and resume prep sessions hosted by the school's Management Consulting Association to get up to speed. He compares the process of making the three-way switch to training for a triathlon as a causal athlete. "It's not like you don't have the skills. You have the base skills, but it's a different order of competition," he says. For Yeo, the gambit worked. After graduation in May 2014, he'll join McKinsey & Co. as a management consultant in Toronto. "That choice for me was definitely a lot of hard work, but because it's the right choice, it made the hard work worth it," he says. His advice for MBAs attempting a triple jump? "Be clear about what you want in terms of is this really the right fit for you. Be clear about the obstacles and gaps you might need to overcome," he says. "It's really a journey.... You don't have to make all of that jump after your MBA; your MBA gets you there, but it's really the first step." |