

Colleen Leahey 2014年01月24日


    • 最适宜工作的公司排名:28

    康泰纳零售连锁店(the Container Store )以帮助客户组织生活而著称,而在内部,这家公司也会在员工办公室里堆满礼物。公司2013年的“员工关爱日”恰好是2月14日,礼品更是琳琅满目,比如小羊毛毛毯和T恤衫,在临时“休息室”里使用的热巧克力K杯,以及公司CEO、主席和首席商品官发来的视频信息等。


    The Container Store

    • Best Companies Rank: 28

    Though the company's known for helping customers organize their lives, the Container Store (TCS) also clutters its employees' offices with gifts. This year's "We Love Our Employees Day," celebrated annually on February 14, included treats like lamb's wool blankets and t-shirts, hot chocolate K-Cups to be used in temporary 'cocoa lounges,' and a video message featuring the company's CEO, Chairman, and Chief Merchandising Officer.


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