

Ryan Holmes 2014年04月03日











    Understanding how to crunch the numbers

    While millennials often have an intuitive understanding of what resonates on social channels (hard to go wrong with cat GIFs), quantifying what works and what doesn't is another matter. Should the success of a Twitter campaign be measured on the basis of re-tweets, mentions, replies, referral traffic, or sales leads? What are the best times of day to post on Facebook, and what is the optimum post frequency? Which analytical tools are best for crunching the numbers? While social media is about authentic human interaction, it's also an arena where data can easily be collected and applied to improve results. Knowing what data to look for, where to find it, and what to do with it separates real experts from mere social natives.

    Mastering the multi-network shuffle

    It's one thing to be a Twitter guru or have a huge LinkedIn following. The real talent lies in orchestrating different platforms to work together and in understanding the niche each fills. Visual networks like Instagram and YouTube, for instance, are increasingly the foundation of campaigns by social-savvy brands like Nike (NKE), Red Bull, and Mercedes. Catchy images and videos are, in turn, seeded onto traditional text-based networks like Twitter and Facebook. From there, links lead viewers back to blogs and company pages, sending customers spiraling deeper into the sales funnel. Meanwhile, uniform hashtags across platforms help unify and track the overall campaign. Even millennials with deep social credentials often fail to understand the profound multiplying effects of integrating different networks.

    Networking professionally on social media

    By the time millennials graduate from college, many have dutifully filled their LinkedIn profiles with part-time positions, internships, extracurriculars and academic accomplishments. But the network's true job-finding power is often overlooked: Hiring managers and CEOs who would normally be out of reach are often just a connection or two away. In fact, you don't need to be connected at all. A paid feature called InMail, for instance, enables users to send emails directly to any one of LinkedIn's 277 million members. Truly enterprising job seekers can hunt down big fish like Richard Branson, Bill Gates, and Deepak Chopra, then send a pitch straight to their inbox. Notoriously footloose millennials -- forever in search of the next job opportunity -- might well take this tip to heart when searching for greener professional pastures.

    Of course, amassing these skills is no short order, and millennials aren't the only offenders. "The real problem is that we expect people to know these skills without providing any training," social media professor Ward says. As the number of social networks expands and platforms are used in more sophisticated ways, it's unreasonable to expect anyone -- even the most plugged-in users -- to just intuitively get it.

    For millennials competing in a tight market, these skills -- unheard of just a decade ago -- can mean the difference in finding and keeping a job. "Students using digital and social media professionally in an integrated and strategic way ... have an advantage," Ward says. "[They're] getting better jobs and better internships ..."

    Ryan Holmes is founder and CEO of HootSuite, a social media management tool for businesses.

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