

Claire Zillman 2014年06月26日


    • 公司:Bright Horizons Family Solutions

    • 最佳雇主公司排名:第77位

    • 职位:幼教老师

    • 年龄:25岁


    当她在位于波士顿保诚中心(Prudential Center)的Bright Horizons公司幼教中心面试时,正是这份热情弥补了她经验的不足。

    莫纳汉的姐姐也是Bright Horizons公司的员工,对这家公司评价很高。莫纳汉在公司的招聘门户上投了简历,把姐姐列为了推荐人。那时她在一家社教中心工作,主要是帮6到7岁的孩子放学后辅导作业,这份工作她从高中毕业起就一直在做。

    一个公司招聘人员接受了莫纳汉的工作申请,随后让她和保诚中心的Bright Horizons的总监接触,当时这家公司正在招聘。面试了两次,在电话边等了两天后,2008年初,莫纳汉得到了这份工作。她说:“我老板说了,雇我主要是冲着我的态度,而不是经验。”入职六年后,莫纳汉现在接受的培训已经能和她热情的天性相匹配了。她好几周晚上都去上Bright Horizon赞助的课程,获得了早教证书。随后在总监的督促下,她又获得了专业幼师资格证书(Child Development Associate certificate),这让她当上了主导教师——也就是她现在的岗位。



    Kathryn Monahan

    • Company: Bright Horizons Family Solutions

    • Best Companies rank: 77

    • Role: Toddler Teacher

    • Age: 25

    "As silly as it sounds," Kathryn Monahan says, "I believe I was born to work with children."

    It's that passion that made up for Monahan's lack of experience when she interviewed at the Bright Horizons childcare center in Boston's Prudential Center.

    Monahan's sister is also a Bright Horizons employee and had spoken highly of the company. Monahan applied to the company's general job portal, listing her sister as a reference. At the time she was working at a social center helping kids ages 6 to 7 after school with homework, a job she'd held since graduating high school.

    A company recruiter received Monahan's application and put her in touch with the director of the Prudential Center Bright Horizons, which was hiring. It took two interviews and two days of waiting by the phone in early 2008 for Monahan to land the job. "My boss says she hired me more for my attitude than my experience," she says.

    And six years later, Monahan now has the training to match her enthusiastic nature. She earned her early education certificate by taking Bright Horizon-sponsored classes in the evenings for several weeks. She then earned her Child Development Associate certificate at the urging of her director, which qualified her for a lead teacher role—a job she now holds.

    Those evening classes pay off every time she goes to work. "Walking through the door and hearing the kids shout my name is the best part of my day," she says. "They're like leeches on my legs."   

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