

Catherine Dunn 2014年06月27日







    黛安娜•阿门达里兹•基尼性格外向,侃侃而谈。珍妮•诺兰德则更加安静。珍妮身材高挑,一头金发。黛安娜的个头较矮,有橄榄色的皮肤。但在2012年2月,这两位西南航空公司员工(Southwest Airlines,上图左侧为基尼)和她们的家人却恰好乘坐了同一个航班。黛安娜开始与珍妮的父亲聊天。闲聊中,她了解到,珍妮和她的妈妈及三个兄弟姐妹,都患有多囊性肾病。当时来到西南航空刚三个月的黛安娜转过头悄悄对丈夫说:“我感觉上帝在告诉我,应该捐给她一个肾,你觉得可以吗?”之后,她和珍妮再也没有见过面,直到四个月后在菲尼克斯进行手术的那一天。甚至一直到了六月份的那个早上,珍妮依旧不敢相信:“一个陌生人竟然要送给我一样可以改变我生活的礼物。”肾脏移植非常成功。五月份,黛安娜从空中乘务员学校毕业。所有人都知道谁将在毕业典礼上替黛安娜戴上那枚翼型勋章。

    Dianne Armendariz Keeney

    Age 58

    Occupation Flight Attendant

    Company Southwest Airlines

    Location Oakland, Calif.

    Dianne Armendariz Keeney is a chatty extrovert; Jainey Norlander, not so much. Jainey is tall and blond. Dianne is short and olive-skinned. But the two Southwest employees (pictured together above, Keeney at right) and their families happened to be sitting together on a flight in February 2012, and Dianne got Jainey’s dad talking. She learned that Jainey, along with her mother and three of her siblings, suffered from polycystic kidney disease. Dianne, who had been with the company only three months, immediately leaned over to her husband and whispered, “I fell like God is telling me to give her my kidney. Is that okay with you?” She and Jainey did not see each other again until the day of the surgery in Phoenix, four months later. Even that June morning, Jainey couldn’t believe it: “This stranger was going to give me something that was going to change my life.” The transplant was a success and in May, Dianne graduated from flight attendant school. When it came time for Dianne to receive her wings at graduation, there was little doubt who would pin them on.

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