

Jean Chatzky 2014年09月10日

    例如,希勒布兰德引用了美国陆军的做法。美国陆军为士兵提供8小时“个人财务管理课程”。军方为每位士兵付出的成本是22美元,但得到的回报是,士兵存入退休储蓄的钱却多了一倍。(对于每天工作8小时并领取同等水平工资的私营行业员工,上述成本预计为人均240美元。)这份报告中也记录了位于西雅图的太平洋研究公司(Pacific Research)的经验。这家拥有350名员工的公司与一家当地公司合作,为这些员工提供预算基础和处理债务方面的个人指导与课堂培训。此外,员工还组成了两到四个人的互助小组,进行相互监督。约80%的员工表示,他们在消费习惯方面有了积极的改变。

    另外一个例子是史泰博公司(Staples),该公司的业务遍及25个国家,在北美有1,800家店铺。这家公司借助吸血鬼题材电脑游戏《齿痕俱乐部》(Bite Club)来告诉员工,他们不参加401(k)或把类似额度的资金传给下一代,等于放弃了一笔意外之财。【借助另外一部游戏《职业理财师》(Refund Rush)是为了说服员工储蓄部分,甚至全部退税。】






    For example? Hillebrand cites the U.S. Army, which offers employees an 8-hour “Personal Financial Management Course.” Employees doubled the amount they socked away in retirement savings at a cost to the Army of $22 per employee. (The cost is estimated to translate to about $240 per private sector employee, about the same salary for an 8-hour day.) The report also documented the experience of Pacific Research, a Seattle-based employer of 350 people, which worked with a local company that provided individual and classroom instruction in budgeting basics and dealing with debt. Employees also banded together in support groups of two-to-four to hold each other accountable. Nearly eight out of 10 employees said they made positive changes in their spending habits.

    And then there’s Staples SPLS -1.51% with a presence in 25 countries and 1,800 North American stores. It turned to a Vampire-themed computer game called, yes, Bite Club, to show employees that they were giving up free money by either not participating in the 401(k) or passing on matching dollars. (Another game, Refund Rush, was aimed at getting employees to save some if not all of their tax refunds.)

    These early successes notwithstanding, financial wellness in the workplace is not a no-brainer. When you look at changes that have stuck in the employee benefits world – like movement from pensions to defined contribution retirement plans (like 401(k)s), and the increasingly rapid adoption of high deductible health insurance plans – they share two commonalities, Austin says. Employers can not only predict the cost, they can predict the savings. Financial wellness programs are a little squishier in terms of ROI.

    Still, if you’re an employer exploring these waters, a few pieces of advice:

    First, figure out what will make this a win for you. Is it having higher participation in your retirement plan or fewer loans taken from it? Is it having your workforce miss fewer days? Second, figure out how to meet employees where they are. Do you have a workforce full of millennials who are eager for online education? Or one full of Xers and Boomers who would prefer handholding from their peers or in-person coaching? And finally, offer your employees the opportunity to split their paycheck, depositing part of it in savings or an investment account in addition to checking. This is an easy, very low cost maneuver, Hillebrand says.

    And if you’re an employee about to venture into yet another open enrollment period? Understand that the financial wellness solutions you’re about to see from your employer represent a toe dipped into the waters. Take advantage. Reap the benefits. And you may see more.

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