你是不是今年遇到过一些糟糕的面试?这项调查肯定能让你振奋起来,除非你恰好也经历过类似窘境。人力资源公司OfficeTeam要求来自北美的600名管理者描述他们在2014年见过的最令人尴尬的面试失误。以下是他们给出的答案。 求职者犯的错,他们: • ……叫错面试官的名字。 • ……太紧张,差点昏过去。 • ……又唱又跳,希望能得到工作。 • ……带着狗来面试。 着装失误是另外一个话题。有些倒霉的面试者“穿着运动裤来面试”,有一个人“穿的鞋子不是一双”,还有一个人“不知道自己拉链开了。” 许多管理者提到了一些极其失礼的情况。求职者: • ……在面试过程中开始咒骂。 • 在面试期间看手机,嚼口香糖。 • ……睡着了。 下面是一些应该引以为戒的例子,求职者: • ……声称自己之所以迟到是因为迷路了,但我们的接待员却说她刚刚看到这位求职者在咖啡店里玩。 • ……在面试过程中,简历中的弥天大谎被识破。 • ……一边说从来不会让人看到他流汗,一边汗流不止。 • ……被要求向面试官简单介绍自己,结果她没有什么可说的。 面试官也会犯错: • 有人将一杯滚烫的咖啡洒在了求职者身上。 • 面试官走进了壁橱,而不是会议室。 • 招聘经理看错了简历。 祝大家2015年好运。(财富中文网)
译者:刘进龙/汪皓 |
Think you’ve had some bad job interviews this year? This survey is guaranteed to cheer you up (unless you happen to be part of it). When staffing firm OfficeTeam asked 600 managers across North America to describe the most embarrassing interview blunders they had seen in 2014, here’s what they said. The candidate • “…called the interviewer by the wrong name.” • “…was so nervous she almost fainted.” • “…did a song and dance routine in hopes of getting the job.” • “…brought his dog.” Wardrobe malfunctions was another common theme. Some hapless interviewees “showed up in sweatpants,” one “was wearing mismatched shoes,” and another “didn’t realize his zipper was down.” Lots of managers recalled extreme etiquette errors. The applicant • “…started swearing during the interview.” • “…was checking his cell phone and chewing gum during the meeting.” • “…fell asleep.” Then there were these cautionary tales, where a candidate • “…claimed he was late because he got lost, but our receptionist said she had seen him hanging out at the coffee shop.” • “…was caught in a big lie on her resume during the meeting.” • “…said he never lets people see him sweat — but he was sweating profusely.” • “…was asked to tell the interviewer a little about herself, and didn’t have anything to say.” Interviewers made their share of blunders, too. • “Someone spilled a pot of hot coffee on the candidate.” • “An interviewer walked into a closet instead of the meeting room.” • “A hiring manager was reading the wrong person’s resume.” Oops. Better luck in 2015, everybody. |