St. Jude Children's Research Hospital 这家儿科医院设在田纳西州孟菲斯市,郁郁葱葱的庭院为辛勤工作的员工提供了良好的户外环境。 |
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital A lush courtyard at this pediatric hospital in Memphis, Tenn. lets hard-working staff enjoy the outdoors. |
波士顿咨询 在这家全球咨询公司,员工可以把个人照片贴在纽约办公室的墙上跟大家分享。 |
Boston Consulting Group Employees of the global consulting firm's offices in New York can share personal photos on a wall. |
Twitter的旧金山总部设有一间“很让人分心的”游戏室 |
Twitter's headquarters in San Francisco has plenty of distractions thanks to a game room. |
VMware 加班了?在这家软件公司设在加利福尼亚州帕罗奥图市的总部里,员工可以在墙壁绘成蓝天白云的休息室里小睡一会儿。 |
VMware Working long hours? Naps can be taken in the Palo Alto, Calif.-based software company's cloud room. |
全食超市 在这家食品超市设在奥斯汀的总部,员工可以在任何角落用笔记本电脑工作。 |
Whole Foods Market Workers at the grocer's headquarters in Austin can work on laptops anywhere in the office. |
Zappos.com 有谁不想在工作时跳到海洋球池里玩一会儿呢?而且还有骆驼给你保驾护航。(财富中文网) 译者:Charlie 审稿:李翔 |
Zappos.com Who wouldn't want to take a dip in a box of balls during the workday? And, with a camel lifeguard. |