图片来源:RBC Capital
苹果公司(Apple)一般不会提供免费产品。但一旦它提供免费产品,人们就会积极响应。苹果CEO史蒂夫•乔布斯这周关于iCloud的发布会后,加拿大皇家银行资本市场(RBC Capital)开展了一项调查,结果如下: • 76%的受访者称将使用苹果的云服务iCloud 、苹果的免费邮箱以及数据备份和同步服务。 • 73%的受访者称将使用苹果的短信服务iMessage。这是苹果应对黑莓(BlackBerry)短信服务产品的推出的产品。 • 仅30%的受访者表示会使用苹果的iTunes 音乐配套服务,因为使用这项服务需交年费24.99美元。 按照加拿大皇家银行资本市场的迈克•阿布兰斯基的说法,1,500名受访者对于iCloud的回应可以理解为iCloud或将拥有1.5亿用户。这个数字将使苹果跻身线上服务供应商的巨头行列,而其他几大巨头包括Facebook (7亿用户),微软网络电话公司Skype (7亿用户),Twitter(3亿用户),雅虎(Yahoo)和谷歌(Google)免费邮箱Gmail(2亿用户)。 阿布兰斯基说:“iCloud能够存储用户数据,再加上iTunes,将会提高苹果用户的忠诚度和吸附度,更好地应对来自Android的竞争。另外还能培养一批稳定的用户基数,不断升级更新手中的苹果电脑Mac,iPhone,iPad和iPod等产品。 |
Apple (AAPL) is not a company known for giving things away for free, but when they do, people tend to respond positively. According to a survey conducted for RBC Capital the week after Steve Jobs' iCloud keynote: • 76% of respondents said they were likely to sign up for iCloud, Apple's free e-mail, back-up and data syncing service • 73% said they were likely to use iMessage, Apple's answer to the BlackBerry's messaging service • Only 30% were likely to sign up for Apple's iTunes Match service, which costs $24.99 per year According to RBC's Mike Abramsky, the response to iCloud among the nearly 1,500 people surveyed translates to 150 million subscribers. That would catapult Apple in the big leagues with such online service providers as Facebook (700 million), Microsoft/Skype (700 million), Twitter (300 million), Yahoo (300 million), and Google/Gmail (200 million). "Because it stores user data," Abramsky concludes, "iCloud, along with iTunes, is expected to enhance loyalty and stickiness of Apple's customers, helping defend against threats from Android, helping grow a defensible install base of users who continually upgrade to next generation Macs, iPhones, iPads, and iPods." |