






专栏 - 苹果2_0


Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2011年08月08日





    • 德拉蒙德控诉称,谷歌的竞争对手在所谓的“虚假专利”上多付了很多钱。但如果北电网络(Nortel)的6,000个专利是虚假的,那么为什么谷歌一开始愿意出价近10亿美元购买这些专利?北电网络的专利最终被苹果、微软和黑莓手机生产商RIM等企业联手以45亿美元购走,但谷歌居然也表示愿意几乎全价支付这45亿美元,这又是为什么?(延伸阅读:《专利竞购:苹果严阵以待,谷歌不以为意》)

    • 他控诉微软和苹果“搞在一块儿”,共享核心专利,而将谷歌排除在外。不过微软公司表示曾致信谷歌,邀请谷歌和自己联手竞购Novell公司的专利,但谷歌拒绝了这一邀请。微软手头有一封电子邮件可资证明。

    • 德拉蒙德的博客文章标题是“专利体系攻击安卓”。不过正如Daring Fireball科技博客的约翰•格鲁伯所言:“攻击安卓系统的并非是‘专利体系’,而是谷歌的竞争对手。谷歌不仅侵犯了这些企业的专利权,而且谷歌的安卓系统还危害了这些企业的业务。攻击安卓的正是这些企业。”

    科技博客TechCrunch的MG•西格勒上周三撰文发问:“为什么谷歌今天会在博客上针对专利问题发难?这是因为谷歌在北电专利竞购上的失利仅仅是个开始。”他指出,谷歌已经参与了对无线通信技术专利公司InterDigital 8,800个专利的竞标。不过他写道:“谷歌有将近400亿美元的现金和现金等价物可供支配,但苹果手中的现金几乎是谷歌的一倍。如果苹果和微软结盟,那么这二者差不多有1,000亿美元的购买力。说到底,谷歌通过竞标战胜苹果是没什么指望了,而且他们也别无选择。”

    德拉蒙德称,美国司法部(the Department of Justice)现在正在调查北电专利问题,他对此深受鼓舞。(不过他没有提的是,美国监管机构现在正在花更大的力气,调查谷歌自身的反竞争行为。)不过这不意味着谷歌自己在专利问题上就是清白的。上个月在谷歌与甲骨文(Oracle)的专利侵权纠纷案中,有几封邮件被曝光,这些邮件显示,安卓系统的开发者安迪•鲁宾曾建议谷歌获得Java的授权(Java由Sun公司开发,该公司后被甲骨文收购——译注),但却被谷歌创始人谢尔盖•布林和拉里•佩奇驳回了。

    据软件专利资讯博客FOSS Patents的弗洛里安•穆勒报道,审理谷歌与甲骨文专利纠纷的法官在看到这些邮件后,建议谷歌的法务团队与甲骨文进行庭外和解。这位法官说道:“有安迪•鲁宾作证,你们一定会败诉的。如果发现你们故意侵权,很可能会裁定你们永远不得使用该专利。所以你们最好仔细想想。”


    Google's (GOOG) chief legal counsel's angry screed on the company's official blog in which he accuses Apple (AAPL) and Microsoft (MSFT) of waging a hostile, organized, anti-competitive campaign against Android through dubious and bogus patents (adjectives all his) may be remembered as one of the most misguided briefs any high-tech lawyer has ever written.

    Not that David Drummond is wrong about Google's competitors using the patent system to fight Android. They are. It's that he doesn't have a leg to stand on. Let us count the reasons why.

    Drummond accuses Google's competitors of overpaying for "bogus" patents. But if Nortel's 6,000 patents were bogus, why did Google start the bidding at nearly $1 billion and why was it willing to pay nearly the full $4.5 billion they eventually went for? (See Apple takes the patent wars seriously. Google not so much.)

    • He accuses Microsoft and Apple of "get[ting] into bed" to keep Google from getting access to key patents. But Microsoft says Google turned down its offer to jointly bid for some Novell patents, and it has the e-mail to prove it.

    • Drummond's post is titled "When patents attack Android." But as Daring Fireball's John Gruber suggests, "It's not 'patents' that are attacking Android. It's competing companies whose patents Google has violated — and whose business Android undermines — who are attacking Android."

    "Why did Google blog about patents today?" Techcrunch's MG Siegler asked on Wednesday. "Because the Nortel loss was just the beginning." He points out that Google has joined the bidding for 8,800 patents owned by InterDigital. Google, he writes, "has nearly $40 billion in cash and cash equivalents to spend. But Apple has almost double that. And if Apple teams up with Microsoft again, they'll have over $100 billion in buying power. At the end of the day, Google will not be able to out-bid Apple, and they're running out of options."

    Drummond says he is encouraged that the Department of Justice is looking into the Nortel patent issue (without mentioning that U.S. regulators are looking even more deeply into alleged anti-competitive behavior on Google's part). But Google hasn't been faring well in the patent courts. Some e-mails turned up last month in Google's patent infringement dispute with Oracle that show Android developer Andy Rubin recommending that Google license Java and being overruled by Sergey Brin and Larry Page.

    As FOSS Patents' Florian Mueller reports, when the judge overseeing the case saw the e-mails, he advised Google's legal team to settle out of court: "You are going to be on the losing end of this document with Andy Rubin on the stand. … If willful infringement is found, there are profound implications for a permanent injunction. So you better think about that."



作者:JP Mangalindan

“专利本意旨在鼓励创新,但最近有人用它当作阻挠创新的武器。” ——大卫•德拉蒙德,谷歌高级副总裁兼首席法务官【谷歌官方博客(Google Blog)】


作者:Ben Elowitz







