沃什称,这样做有双重目的:第一,尽可能多地了解你的职业技能在哪些领域还有用武之地,对于你希望加盟的公司,你准备如何去适应;第二,“回归商务圈,把自己变成业内人士。” 求职者的人际关系越活跃、结识的圈内人越多,获得工作机会的可能性就越大。沃什解释道:“如果离职后一直与原来的同事和专业协会保持着联系和沟通,对行业动态一清二楚,这都能给你加分。”如果求职者没有做到这一点,现在就应该开始采取行动了。 当然,这与其他求职者需要做的事情类似——最大的不同之处在于五年的空白期。在简历中做手脚、遮掩真相,这种做法具有一定的诱惑力,但是“总免不了要对这段空白期做出解释。相反,如果能正确对待,反而能让你脱颖而出,为自己加分,” FlexJobs网站CEO萨拉•萨顿•费尔如是说。FlexJobs是一家招聘网站,旨在将雇主和希望灵活就业的求职者进行有效配对。 那么,求职者究竟该怎么做呢?费尔建议:“在写求职信之前,要对意向公司展开充分调查研究,每封求职信都要有的放矢——求职信应是对话形式的,而非套用信函。这样一来,求职者可以展示出自己与众不同的一面。” 例如,费尔最近聘用了一位前财政主管。她在2009年初下岗后,和丈夫做出决定,是时候远离激烈的竞争,去好好度个假了。费尔说:“在半年的时间里,他们夫妻俩带着孩子们游历了很多国家,在这些国家短期居住。这对他们来说,确实是一次很好的学习经历。” 她的冒险精神,再加上她“确实对我们公司进行过细致的研究,清楚地知道公司的情况”,使费尔印象颇深,也就此决定聘用她。 她说:“公司一般都会收到很多求职简历,公司筛选简历、将某些求职者排除在外的理由层出不穷。但是,如果求职者能清晰地介绍自己的与众不同之处,很有可能让某位招聘官眼前一亮。” 祝你好运! 反馈:你有没有在辞职很久后重返职场的经历?有没有什么有效的方法?欢迎发表评论。 翻译:乔树静/汪皓 |
Your purpose is twofold: First, to find out as much as you can about where your skills might be needed now and how you would fit into organizations you might want to work for; and second, Walsh says, "to turn yourself from an outsider into an insider." The more people you meet who can introduce you to other people, the more that might lead to a job. "It really helps if you've stayed in touch with former colleagues and kept up with professional associations, and if you've stayed on top of industry trends," Walsh notes. If not, start now. Most of this is similar, of course, to what any job seeker has to do -- with the significant difference of that five-year hiatus. Tempting as it may be to try and fudge your resume to hide it, "you do have to address that absence," says Sara Sutton Fell, CEO of FlexJobs, a job site that matches employers with people who want to work flexible hours. "But if you do it in the right way, it could actually work to your advantage by making you stand out from the crowd." How? "Write well-researched cover letters, tailored to each employer, that are conversational, not form letters," Fell suggests. "And use those letters to portray what makes you unique." For example, Fell recently hired a former finance executive who, after being laid off in early 2009, decided with her husband that the moment was right to take some time off from the rat race: "They moved abroad with their kids and spent six months living in a couple of foreign countries. It was a great learning experience for them." That sense of adventure, plus the fact that "this candidate had obviously researched our company carefully and understood what we're about," impressed Fell enough to hire her. "Companies are so swamped with job applicants now that they're looking for reasons to rule people out," she says. "But if you convey a clear picture of who you are and what makes you special, you just might catch someone's eye." Good luck! Talkback: Have you ever returned to the workforce after an extended absence? What worked for you? Leave a comment below. |