社交游戏公司Zynga提交的修订版IPO招股书披露,该公司计划在纳斯达克(Nasdaq)上市,股票代码为“ZNGA”,计划融资仍然高达10亿美元。 Zynga公布的股票代码或许令有些人疑惑不解,因为股票代码“Z”已被美国房地产网站Zillow(Z)捷足先登。不过代码“PLAY”依然可供选择。 当然,这也是纳斯达克的一次巨大胜利。因为在互联网公司上市选择方面,纳斯达克一直承受着纽约证券交易所(New York Stock Exchange)的巨大压力。 此外,Zynga还在招股书中披露了其他最新数据。例如,2011年上半年,公司在线游戏营收比2010年上半年增加了2.715亿美元。 Zynga在招股书中将营收增长额细化到了每一款游戏: • FarmVille:7,660万美元 • FrontierVille:7,050万美元 • CityVille:4,660万美元 此外,Zynga似乎还披露了其近期的收购支出。例如,公司称曾于5月18日发行了价值4,400万美元的新股,当时它正在收购社交游戏工作室DNA Games。此外,公司还在8月底发行了价值1.41亿美元的新股,但用途何在,目前尚不明确。
译者:阿龙/汪皓 |
Social gaming company Zynga has decided to list its shares on the Nasdaq under ticker symbol ZNGA. The social gaming company disclosed the information in an amended filing for its upcoming IPO, which remains slated to raise upwards of $1 billion. For those who were wondering, the ticker symbol "Z" is already taken by Zillow (Z). "PLAY" remains available. It's a big win for the Nasdaq, which has been under pressure by the New York Stock Exchange when it comes to Internet listings. Zynga also revealed some other new pieces of data in its filing. For example, in discussing an online gaming revenue, in discussing a $271.5 million increase between the first six months of 2010 and the first six months of 2011, Zynga broke out how much of that increase was attributable to specific games: • FarmVille: $76.6 million • FrontierVille: $70.5 million • CityVille: $46.6 million Zynga also seems to have revealed how much it paid for recent acquisitions. For example, the company reports that it issued $44 million in new shares on May 18, which is when it purchased DNA Games. It also issued $141 million in new shares in late August, but I'm still trying to figure out what deal that was for... |