苹果公司(Apple)6月份超越诺基亚(Nokia),成为全球智能手机霸主;如今,短短3个月过去,到了9月份,这一位置已经被三星(Samsung)取代,看来苹果的霸主地位真可说是秋后的蚂蚱——长不了。 策略分析公司(Strategy Analytics)周五报告称,上季度,三星公司智能手机的出货量或销量(两项统计数字存在差异)为2,780万部,轻松超过劲敌苹果公司。该季度,苹果iPhone的销量为1,707万部。分析人士预测,即便苹果公司在假期季度售出2,500万至3,000万部iPhone手机,依然难以撼动三星在销量上的领先地位。
虽然iPhone手机的同期销量低于预期,但其带来的收益却接近110亿美元(约占苹果公司总收益的39%)。保守估计,每部售出iPhone手机的利润率为60%,这意味着仅iPhone手机单品销售利润便可高达65亿美元,这一数据让三星这个新晋“行业老大”也望尘莫及。 译者:阿龙/汪皓 |
Apple's (AAPL) reign as the world's No. 1 maker of smartphones, it turns out, was like the life of a grasshopper: It overtook Nokia (NOK) in June and was overtaken by Samsung in September. Strategy Analytics reported Friday that Samsung either shipped or sold (accounts differ) 27.8 million smartphones last quarter, easily outpacing the 17.07 million iPhones that Apple sold in the same period. Even if Apple sells 25 to 30 million iPhones in the holiday quarter, as various analysts predict, Samsung is likely to retain its lead. But unlike the grasshopper, Apple is in it for the long run. It's selling iPhones as fast as it can make them and socking away more profit than all of its competitors combined (see here). Samsung, for example, reported profits of $2.2 billion from smartphone sales last quarter, 60% of the electronic giant's total. iPhone sales last quarter, while less than expected, generated revenues of nearly $11 billion (39% of Apple's total). Assuming, conservatively, 60% profit margins on each iPhone sold, that's an estimated profit of $6.5 billion, leaving No. 1 Samsung in the dust. |
• 未来属于智能手机