1. 通过邮政编码寻找雇主。在许多求职网站,包括CareerBuilder.com,Dice.com(IT业)以及RetirementJobs.com(针对50岁以上退休或未退休的求职人群),都可以输入目标地邮编,通过搜索来显示该区域内的职位空缺。即便是搜索结果中没有让人一眼相中的就业机会,至少也可以大概地了解附近有哪些企业正在招聘。 2. 阅读当地的商业期刊和社区报纸,留意正在扩张(注意:这是招聘的信号)的公司。关注当地的新闻动态可以帮助你发现一些曝光度不那么高的工作机遇。 3. 加入最近的商会。这类组织提供大量的本地商业信息,通常还包括核心高管的联系方式。瞄准其中几位感兴趣的对象,准备好一段两分钟的“电梯游说”,向其展示你的才华。 然后就是介绍自我推销了。“盯紧这些公司的需求,”ExecuNet的董事长马克•安德森说。“分析自己的技能和经验能为解决他们的具体问题和挑战带来什么样的帮助。” 4. 去当地的写字楼查询企业目录。写字楼大堂的企业指引目录通常标明各公司的房间号,中小企业和创业公司的名录也在其中。仔细研究他们的网站,启用谷歌快讯功能(Google alerts),及时跟踪目标公司的最新动向,这些都有可能引导你获得有关职位招聘的真实或潜在信息。 |
1. Search job boards by zip code. Many job sites, including CareerBuilder.com, Dice.com (for IT jobs), and RetirementJobs.com (for people over 50, whether "retired" or not), allow you to enter your target zip code and get a list of openings in the area. Even if nothing pops up right away that seems like a fit, this will give you a general idea of who's hiring near you. 2. Read regional business journals and community newspapers, with an eye toward identifying companies that seem to be growing (read: hiring). Staying on top of local news can often help you spot opportunities that aren't advertised anywhere. 3. Join the nearest Chamber of Commerce. These groups have a wealth of information about local businesses, often including contact information for key executives. Pinpoint a few that might interest you and develop a two-minute "elevator pitch" about what you could offer. Then introduce yourself. "Target companies with needs that you can fill," says Mark Anderson, ExecuNet's president. "Analyze how your skills and experience could solve a specific problem or challenge they're facing." 4. Check out the directories in local office buildings. Those lists in the lobby showing suite numbers for different companies are a Who's Who of small-to-medium-sized employers and startups. Study each of their websites. Set up Google alerts to catch updates on their activities that might clue you in to actual or potential job openings. |