其次,要收集好一切证据。她建议:“你需要证据来证明同事的恶意行为已经对你的工作效率造成了负面影响。面谈时要带上电子邮件内容、备忘以及所有能佐证你观点的证据。解决争端符合公司的最大利益。因为从长期来看,士气低迷、工作氛围恶劣、人员流动率太高都会让公司付出高昂的代价。” 假如你已经尽了最大努力,而一切仍无改观的话,杜雷称:“你仍然能够掌控自己的人生。”过去三十年里进行的大量研究已经确凿证明,除非你耗费格外巨大的精力自我保养,否则,长期积累的压力最终不仅会损害健康,还会损害工作之外的生活和人际关系。 杜雷在书中列出了一系列减压方法,可能会对你有所帮助:保证充足睡眠,适当运动,健康饮食,多喝水,服用维他命,多陪陪爱你的朋友和家人,留出时间做点自己喜欢或有助于放松身心的事。 杜雷表示,你还可以通过“反省自身存在的问题,研究自己在工作中容易被激怒的地方”,从而试着在心理上跟乌烟瘴气的办公环境保持一定距离。要学会以退为进,深呼吸,避开怀有敌意的同事,越能做到这样,你的状态就会越好。 当然,无视内部纷争,将精力转而集中于更好地完成工作,这也是一种必要的策略。尤其是如果像你怀疑的那样,一旦你向上级申诉,对方就会肆意打击报复,在这种情况下,更要像杜雷建议的那样,“把自己的本职工作做到尽善尽美,让别人找不到解雇你的借口。” 然而,最终的问题可能是,面对同事的过分行为,为什么你能够忍受这么久。如你所言,毕竟团队中有些人选择了离开而不是继续忍耐。杜雷称:“身心健康的人不会继续忍受,他们会采取一切方式离开这个有害的环境。他们会选择自己创业或是跟朋友共同创业,或者寻找一份氛围更好的工作。” 你最好的选择可能也是如此。即使目前的就业市场充满不确定性,也要勇敢走出去。至少,采取行动寻找更好的工作不会再让你觉得束手无策了。 反馈:你是否也曾身处充满敌意的工作环境?你是怎么做的?欢迎发表评论。 译者:李玫晓/汪皓 |
And second, document everything. "You need evidence for your claim that your colleagues' hostility is affecting productivity. Bring emails, memos, anything you can point to that supports what you're saying," she advises. "It's in the company's best interest to resolve conflict whenever possible because, in the long run, low morale, a hostile work environment, and high turnover are very costly." Let's suppose you do all the right things, and nothing changes. "You can still take control over your own life," says Durré. Stacks of research over the past 30 years have proven beyond doubt that chronic stress will eventually make you sick, and poison your life and relationships outside of work, unless you work extra hard at taking care of yourself. Durré's book includes a checklist of stress-busting measures that can help: Get enough sleep, exercise, eat a healthy diet, drink water, take vitamins, spend as much time as you can with friends and family members who love you, and carve out space in your schedule for activities you enjoy and that will help you relax. You can also try to get some psychological distance from your horrible office by "realizing your own issues, and analyzing your own buttons that are getting pushed at work," Durré says. The more you can train yourself to step back, take a deep breath, and not let your antagonists get to you, the better off you'll be. Ignoring the vicious politics and concentrating instead on excelling at your job is an essential strategy here, too -- especially if, as you suspect, your colleagues will be gunning for you, once you've complained about them to higher-ups. "Be very, very good at what you do," Durré advises. "Don't give anyone an excuse to fire you." Ultimately, though, the real question may be why you have sat still for your coworkers' abusive behavior for so long. After all, as you note, others in your group have left rather than tolerate it. "Healthy people don't put up with this," Durré says. "They get away from toxic environments any way they can. They start their own companies, either by themselves or with friends, or they find a better place to work." Your best bet may be to do likewise. Even in this iffy job market, get out there and start looking. If nothing else, taking action toward finding something better will make you feel less powerless. Talkback: Have you ever found yourself in a toxic workplace? What did you do about it? Leave a comment below. |