美国达特茅斯学院(Dartmouth)教授罗恩•阿德纳在《哈佛商业评论》(Harvard Business Review)中写道,“创新游戏规则正发生变化。”交付伟大的产品不再是成功的充分条件。考虑到【亚马逊(Amazon)Kindle】Fire内存受限,处理器落后,而且缺少摄像头,但其一样能取得成功,因此,伟大的产品现在甚至并非成功的必要条件。当下的重中之重是提供完善的解决方案。 阿德纳表示,就目前的情况而言,在个人消费市场取得成功的关键在于建立和维护关系,既包括和消费者的关系,也包括与合作伙伴的关系。苹果(Apple)和亚马逊都深谙此道,而制造Android设备的其它公司则还在苦苦摸索之中。 阿德纳称:“苹果的绝大部分对手在仓促‘圈地’的过程中都忽视了一些关键的节点,没能将整个生态系统凝聚成一个具有内在统一性的整体。” 阿德纳表示,当然,亚马逊的商业模式只是苹果的镜像而已。 亚马逊力图在自己涉足的领域和盈利模式上有别于苹果。每台iPad销售行为发生的瞬间,苹果就已经拿走了其中绝大部分利润,而其合作伙伴的收益会随着用户使用苹果服务而水涨船高。亚马逊在这一点上有所不同,它的收益贯穿整个产品周期,每次用户在其平台购买产品,亚马逊都能获得相应收益。如果说苹果的模式是:“钱我先赚了,以后(也许)会有你们的份”】,那么,亚马逊的模式则是:“有钱大家一起赚”,它的激励机制似乎与合作伙伴的利益更一致。 聪明人的做法。感谢布赖恩•霍尔指出了这一点。 译者:项航 |
"The innovation game is changing," writes Dartmouth's Ron Adner in the Harvard Business Review. "Delivering great products is no longer sufficient for success. And as the [Amazon's Kindle] Fire's limited memory, ho-hum processor, and lack of camera demonstrate, great products may not even be necessary. Rather, what matters is delivering great solutions." The key to success in consumer electronics these days, Adner maintains, is building and maintaining relationships -- with consumers and with partners. This is something Apple (AAPL) and Amazon (AMZN) understand. The companies turning out Android devices may not. "In the rush to match the pieces," he writes, "most of Apple's rivals have missed the critical connections that draw the entire ecosystem together into a coherent whole." Amazon's business model, of course, is the mirror image of Apple's, as Adner notes: Amazon is differentiating itself from Apple in terms of both its footprint and its profit model. Apple captures the bulk of its profits the moment an iPad is sold, while its partners capture value over time as users consume services. In contrast, Amazon's profits accrue over the lifetime of the customer with every on-platform purchase In this regard, Amazon's incentives seem more aligned with those of its media partners ("we win together over time") than Apple's with its partners ("I win first; you later...maybe"). Smart stuff. Thanks to Brian S Hall for spotting it. |