
部分问答摘录如下: 彼得•奥本海默:“我需要告诉你的是,新iPad 销售非常火爆。” 蒂姆•库克:“这是连续第24个季度苹果增长幅度超过整体(PC)市场。” 库克:“我们可以强行整合任何事物,但产品的品质就会打折扣。人们甚至能够整合烤箱和冰箱,但问题是整合的产物无法取悦任何用户。” 库克:“我们认为,iPhone是世界上最好的手机,可以吸引使用传统手机的消费者。” 库克:“今年一月份是历年上所有同一个月份中表现最好的。” 库克:“(新iPad)供销两旺。” 库克:“我一直憎恨诉讼。我们只是希望人们自己去发明自己的东西。我更倾向于通过协商而不是对抗解决问题。” 库克:“苹果公司不需要成为全世界的开拓者,这一点很重要。” 会议结束。收益预测结果将于周三公布。
译者:乔树静/汪皓 |
A few quotes: Peter Oppenheimer: "I have to tell you that the new iPad is on fire." Tim Cook: "This is the 24th quarter in a row we've outgrown the [PC] market." Cook: "Anything can be forced to converge, but products are about tradeoffs. You can converge a toaster and refrigerator, but those things are probably not going to be pleasing to the user." Cook: "We believe iPhone is the best phone on the planet to entice a customer using a traditional cell phone." Cook: "We had the mother of all Januarys." Cook: "We are selling them [the new iPads] as fast as we can make them." Cook: "I always hated litigation. We just want people to invent their own stuff. I would highly prefer to settle than to battle." Cook: "It's very important that Apple not become the developer to the world." That's a wrap. Will post the results of our Earnings Smackdown first thing Wednesday. |