今年早些时候,全美独立学院与大学协会(The National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities)将倡导奖颁发给了该公司。这是该奖项首次颁发给公司而非个人。该协会主席戴维•沃伦说:“这项计划的独特之处在于其开放性。” 当然,时至今日,这项计划的福利也已经今非昔比。2010年,公司将该计划的开支从每年6,000万美元缩水到了5,000万美元。公司取消了获得学位后的股票奖励,还将福利上限定为40,000美元(研究生学位为60,000美元),并要求员工在公司任职一年后方可申请。但即便如此,这项伟大的计划依然值得我们向UTC致敬。 译者:阿龙/汪皓 |
The National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities gave the company its advocacy award earlier this year, the first time the award has gone to a company rather than a person. "It's the open-ended nature of the program that's so unusual," said association president David Warren. Alas, even this benefit isn't what it once was. The company trimmed it as of 2010 to get the cost down to $50 million a year from $60 million-plus. It eliminated the stock bonus for degree completion, capped the benefit at $40,000 ($60,000 for a graduate degree), and required employees to have a year of service before joining. But it's still a great program. So take a bow, UTC. You've earned it. |