






专栏 - 财富书签


Scott Cendrowski 2012年06月27日

《财富》书签(Weekly Read)专栏专门刊载《财富》杂志(Fortune)编辑团队的书评,解读商界及其他领域的新书。我们每周都会选登一篇新的评论。



    帕特森没有大谈特谈这种高频交易,而是引人入胜地叙述了这个新世界的疯狂增长及其危险后果。他遵照迈克尔•刘易斯公式,找到了那些鲜为人知的英雄,并解释了那些复杂的金融策略。其中一个就是莱文,从根本上说,这位温和的程序员发明了现代电子股票交易市场,他的工作地点是一间位于曼哈顿南区宽街(Broad Street)的办公室,里面到处是垃圾,还有几只宠物龟在游泳池里游泳,角落里矗立着以色列反坦克火箭筒。





    接下来会发生什么?帕特森唯一可以确定的是,高频趋势将会继续下去。他写道,一家名为Spread Networks的公司在芝加哥和纽约的交易中心之间建立起超高速连接,这个价值3亿美元的项目会将光缆直接铺到新泽西州的纳斯达克数据中心。其结果会如何呢?每轮交易的时间将减少3毫秒(千分之三秒)。

    How does all this impact everyday 401(k) investors? High-frequency traders place hundreds of thousands of orders each second. They are constantly on the prowl for small opportunities. So let's say your mutual fund manager at Fidelity is buying 50,000 shares of Exxon (XOM). We'll assume that the stock trades for $75.20. He won't place the whole order at once, instead buying piecemeal in 1,000-share blocks.

    After he buys 1,000 shares at $75.20, the high-frequency algorithms sense that some big investor is buying Exxon. So they also start buying Exxon, pushing the price up to $75.22 and higher. The Fidelity manager then buys another block of shares at $75.25. The high-frequency traders swoop in again and push the price up to $75.30. By the time the Fidelity manager buys his last batch of 1,000 shares, Exxon is all the way up to $75.50. That means the manager lost $250 on the last block by buying Exxon at $75.50 instead of $75.25. That $250 should have been invested for you and, estimating a conservative return over 40 years, grown to $2,500.

    Patterson skips across the high-frequency landscape in an engaging narrative that tracks this new world's blinding growth and its perilous consequences. He follows the Michael Lewis formula of finding little-known heroes to explain complex financial maneuvers. One is Levine, a meek programmer who basically invented modern day electronic stock markets from an office on Broad Street in Lower Manhattan stuffed with trash and pet turtles swimming in a pool, not to mention an Israeli bazooka standing in the corner.

    In the 1990s, Levine started an electronic exchange called Island to fight what he saw as unfair monopolies in the New York Stock Exchange and Nasdaq, which used market makers to execute stock orders. Problem was, the middlemen colluded to skim huge spreads off of each order.

    Patterson quickly gets to the irony: In order to build an electronic exchange without middlemen, Levine needed high-frequency traders to provide liquidity for buyers and sellers. Eventually other electronic exchanges -- called pools -- started forming. High-frequency traders became the new middlemen, providing the trading volumes the pools needed to survive.

    Case in point: One day a morning meeting went long at Getco, a high-frequency trading firm in Chicago. Five minutes after the start of trading in New York, a frantic Island official called asking why Getco wasn't trading yet.

    This new world of electronic pools of stocks eviscerated demand at the Nasdaq and the venerable New York Stock Exchange. In its halcyon days, NYSE hosted 90% of U.S. stock trading. Today, it handles a quarter.

    What's next? Patterson is only sure that the high-frequency trend will continue. He writes about a company called Spread Networks building a super-fast connection between the trading hubs in Chicago and New York, a $300 million project to lay fiber optic cable straight into a Nasdaq data center in New Jersey. The upshot? Cutting 3 milliseconds (three one thousandths of a second) off of the round trip of a trade.

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