一场值得记住的审判…… 对苹果(Apple)的粉丝而言,任何(关于该公司)的消息都是好消息,尤其是考虑到苹果向来行事隐秘,对一切都讳莫如深。然而,由于苹果与三星(Samsung)之间的专利诉讼旷日持久,苹果在法庭上不得不一改往日的作风,被迫抖出了许多机密,内容从高管间的电子邮件到许多或奇妙或怪诞的iPhone原型,无奇不有,数量之多,绝难一网打尽。目前浮出水面的花边新闻中,下面这些最有意思。 机密一:“疯狂”的想法 iPod大获成功后,苹果一直在思索公司的下一步策略。苹果高级副总裁菲尔•席勒在庭审时透露:“许多事情最终促成了iPhone的诞生。”我们进行了多次极具创新性的头脑风暴讨论。“员工们提出了许多疯狂的点子,例如照相机、汽车等。” |
A trial to remember... For Apple aficionados any news is good news -- especially given the company's clandestine approach to, well, everything. The ongoing Apple vs. Samsung trial, a contentious legal battle over intellectual property, has managed to get Apple talking in ways it never has, from telling emails between executives to weird and wonderful iPhone prototypes. There are so many new revelations, it's hard to keep track of them all. Here are the juiciest tidbits to have emerged so far. "Crazy" ideas With the iPod's success, the big question was what would Apple do next? "There were many things that led to the iPhone at Apple," said Apple senior vice president Phil Schiller during the trial. That led to some out-of-the-box brainstorming. "Apple employees tossed around ideas like making a camera, a car, and other 'crazy stuff.'" |