
另一项值得商榷的观点是:“也许我们正在接近这样的时刻:男性不再追忆过去,不再为所有的‘真男人’已经死了感到烦恼,而是任由自己被一种全新文化重新塑造,尽管其方式或许不那么令人舒适。”我向一位好友朗读了这段话的内容——我们俩都23岁,刚刚在乔治城大学(Georgetown University)度过了4年时光,其间就生活在罗森所说的那些将在一个女性世界中展现“灵活性”的新一代男性中间。我的朋友笑出声来,他说:“但愿这是真的,然现实并非如此。”
译者:任文科 |
Today, many black women seem to have trouble finding a suitable man. Rosin believes economic woes in cities like Alexander City will cause a similar trend among college-educated white women, who may "join their black counterparts in a new kind of middle class, where marriage is increasingly rare."
Rosin's theory isn't far-fetched. Women graduate from college in larger numbers than men. They dominate 20 of the 30 professions projected to add the most jobs in the next 10 years. And men, especially in places like Alexander City, are stuck between the way things were and the way things are progressively moving. "The modern economy is becoming a place where women are making the rules and men are playing catch up," she writes.
It's a shame Rosin doesn't dedicate the entire book to studying places like Alexander City, where "the end of men" seems to be a real and troubling phenomenon. She pays as much attention to the descriptions of setting and her interviewees as she does to the factual meat of each chapter. The book is an enjoyable read, but her entire portrait, no matter how beautifully painted, is unconvincing.
At one point, Rosin refers to Marissa Mayer as the "highest-ranking woman at Google." That's not true. Mayer was certainly the most visible female Googler (GOOG) during her tenure at the firm (she now runs Yahoo (YHOO)), but senior VP Susan Wojcicki always ranked higher. Though a minor point, Wojcicki's position is well known, and Rosin's careless error made me question the reporting behind many of her sweeping statements.
Rosin also notes that women aged 25-39 are crowding out men in fields of study related to science and engineering. While that's true, the numbers feel manipulated to further her overall thesis that better-educated women are feminizing the workforce. The reality is that women are doing well after graduation in medicine, law, and business. But science, technology, engineering, and math? Not so much.
Another pause-worthy moment: "Maybe we are approaching the moment when men stop looking back, fretting that all the 'real men' are dead, and allow themselves to be molded by the culture in new if uncomfortable ways." I read that passage to a friend -- we're both 23 and spent the past four years at Georgetown University with the new generation of men Rosin believes will be 'flexible' in a women's world. My friend laughed out loud. "Wish that were true -- but yeah right."
Rosin is better at close-ups than landscapes. Her attempt to cover gender at large -- with fleeting focus on race, socioeconomics, religion, and generational shifts -- detracts from the fascinating personal stories each chapter contains, and also makes Rosin's argument about the obsolescence of men hard to follow. Analyses of the college hook-up culture, marriage as a luxury good, and powerful women executives (particularly those in Silicon Valley) feel trivial next to those that discuss a rise in female violence and single mothers working long hours to make ends meet.
A sole chapter about South Korea, representing a global economy becoming "dependent on women's success … despite resistance from local versions of macho culture," is interesting but feels out of place -- especially as it comes just before the book's conclusion. Is Rosin suggesting that men are doomed everywhere, regardless of varying regimes, religious cultures, familial structures, and economic statuses? Like a 3 a.m. nightcap, this brief excursion on Asian women is tasty but will probably leave readers dizzy and confused.
Women's newfound economic freedom is the thread that keeps the slew of random subjects from falling in very different directions, but that thread isn't strong enough to support Rosin's sweeping conclusions about the future of men, women, and marriage in America.
No doubt the American Dream has gotten a makeover -- with an extra coat of mascara. But Rosin doesn't demonstrate that women's educational dominance and financial independence spells the death of manhood. Claire Gordon, a Yale alumna whom Rosin interviewed, believes that college women "need a little time, to figure out what they want and how to ask for it." Amid shocking economic and cultural change, maybe that's all the guys need, too. |