






专栏 - 财富书签


Michael Schrage 2012年10月25日

《财富》书签(Weekly Read)专栏专门刊载《财富》杂志(Fortune)编辑团队的书评,解读商界及其他领域的新书。我们每周都会选登一篇新的评论。
本期《财富书签》为您推荐两部新书,分别是塞缪尔•阿贝斯曼的著作《事实的半衰期》(The Half-Life of Facts)和内特•希尔的著作《信号与噪音》(The Signal and The Noise)。这两本书认为,算法并不能完全代替人的判断。







    本文作者迈克尔•施拉格是麻省理工学院斯隆管理学院数字商务研究中心(MIT Sloan School's Center for Digital Business)研究员,曾经担任《财富》杂志(Fortune )专栏作家,著有《你想让你的客户变成什么样的人?》(Who Do You Want Your Customers To Become?)一书。


    Where Arbesman's unit of analysis is the fact, Silver focuses on "predictive validity." He has the good grace and self-awareness to accept human frailty as a design constraint. "But I'm of the view we can never achieve perfect objectivity, rationality or accuracy in our beliefs," Silver writes.

    "Instead we can strive to be less subjective, less irrational and less wrong. [emphasis in original] Making predictions based on our beliefs is the best (and perhaps only) way to test ourselves. If objectivity is the concern for a greater truth beyond our personal circumstances, and prediction is the best way to examine how closely aligned our personal perceptions are with that greater truth, the most objective among us are those who make the most accurate predictions."

    I wonder, however, if Silver is fully aware of the cumulative effect his mix of cautionary tales and shocking failures might have on readers who take his reporting to heart and mind. He provides example after example of flawed and biased human beings building flawed and biased models and using them flawed and biased ways. He provides a superb riff on "overfitting" in statistical models. By trying to get their models to fit the data a little too well, Silver explains, statisticians all too frequently end up making them far less accurate and reliable for prediction.

    To the extent that Silver's stories present a fair sampling of today's predictive modelers, this book predicts neither a happy nor brave new world of statistics-driven success. In this world, average performance may prove to be quite a few standard deviations away from world class.

    Silver cites Philip Tetlock's classic study of expertise, which shows that "experts" in a disconcerting number of disciplines are disproportionately worse than chance at predicting likely outcomes. Experts also tend to be disproportionately overconfident about the quality of their predictions. In short, expertise frequently yields the worst of both worlds: wrong answers stewed in arrogance. This is not a recipe for success.

    Between IBM's Jeopardy-winning Watson, Google's search algorithms and Amazon's recommendation engines, there's no doubt that data-driven computational systems can enjoy remarkable success, particularly when they focus on real-life testing rather than abstract theory. "Companies that really 'get' Big Data, like Google, aren't spending a lot of time in model land," Silver writes. "They're running hundreds of thousands of experiments every year and testing their ideas on real customers."

    The ironic takeaway from both these fine books, however, is that the more data and facts one has, and the more predictions matter, the more important human judgment becomes. The co-evolution of human beings, datasets, and algorithms will ultimately determine whether Big Data creates new wealth or destroys old value.

    A research fellow at MIT Sloan School's Center for Digital Business, Michael Schrage is a former Fortune columnist and the author of Who Do You Want Your Customers To Become?

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