骑游者的逍遥生活 《自行车风尚》(Cycle Chic)一书收录了368张骑游者与其爱车的合照。我在纽约植物园里偶然看到了这本书,一打开就看到一张骑车妹的靓照。妹子长发长腿、身着短裙,或许这本书这么受欢迎,跟这些靓照也有关系吧。不过好戏还在后头。 除了年轻姑娘的靓照,很多照片——确切地说是快照——拍的都是小伙子和大男孩、小屁孩和淘气鬼、带宝宝的妈妈、骑双座自行车的夫妇、把狗放在车篮子里的车手,如此等等,不一而足。大多数照片的拍摄者是米卡埃尔·科尔维尔-安德森,他是时尚博客“哥本哈根自行车风尚”(Copenhagen Cycle Chic)的博主,所以他拍摄的大多是穿着入时的自行车车手。由于照片取景于世界各地,这本书还可以作为一本不错的旅游指南。不过我最终把它买下来是因为上面的照片都是按照主题分组的,从照片上看,不管车手们身居何地,车行何处,他们的风貌和举止大体是相似的。 |
Biking Bliss Cycle Chic contains 368 photographs of people and their bicycles. I ran across it in the bookstore at the New York Botanical Garden, and the fact that it opens with a photo of a lovely young cyclist with long hair, long legs, and a short skirt probably had something to do with its attraction, but that was just for starters. In addition to young ladies, a large number of the photos -- they're actually snapshots -- are of men and boys, kids and toddlers, mothers with babies, couples on two-seater bikes, bikers with dogs in their baskets, and loads of other variations. Most of the photos were taken by Mikael Colville-Andersen, founder of a fashion blog called Copenhagen Cycle Chic, so the bikers tend to be well dressed. Because the pictures come from all parts of the world, the book doubles as a nice travelogue. But the fact that the photos are grouped by theme provides the real take-away: Regardless of where they live and bike, people tend to look and act pretty much alike. |