






专栏 - 向Anne提问


Anne Fisher 2013年03月20日

Anne Fisher为《财富》杂志《向Anne提问》的专栏作者,这个职场专栏始于1996年,帮助读者适应经济的兴衰起落、行业转换,以及工作中面临的各种困惑。

    6. 你的职责将是什么?拉扎克问:“作为一名应届毕业生,你是否会被困在一个底层岗位上,或者你是否很快便能承担重任?”尽量弄清楚自己在这家公司内的职业发展前景。他说:“如果你发现在六个月或一年之后,你可以做许多事情,这是一种好的标志。你应该问这样的问题:‘如果在这个岗位上做到成功,结果会是什么样?它能给我带来什么?为了能够承担更多责任,我需要证明什么?’”

    7. 你是否有适当的个性,能够在初创公司大放异彩?拉扎克说:“与在大公司不同,在很大程度上,你通常需要自己确定自己的职责。人们不会告诉你该做什么,何时去做,而是希望你自己去弄清楚许多事情。所以你应该考虑,自己是否擅长发现机会,把握先机,把事情做好。这一点非常重要。”并不是所有人都乐意这样做。你是否乐意呢?在这个问题面前,一定诚实以对。





    6. What will your role be? "As a new grad, will you be boxed in to a menial position, or will you have significant responsibility quickly?" Razzaq asks. Try to get an idea of what career progression you can expect, too. "If you see a lot you could be doing in six months or a year, that's a good sign," he says. "You should ask questions like, 'What would success in this job look like, and where would it lead? What will I need to demonstrate in order to get more responsibility?'"

    7. Do you have the right personality to shine in a startup? "Unlike in a big company, you usually define your own role to a large degree. Instead of telling you what to do and when to do it, people will expect you to figure a lot of things out for yourself," Razzaq says. "So it's important to consider, are you good at spotting opportunities and seizing the initiative to get things done?" Not everyone is comfortable with that, so be honest with yourself.

    He adds that working for a startup "is more challenging and takes more energy, but if you're up to it, you will probably learn more at a startup in one year than you would at a big company in five." Partly for that reason, working for a firm that is still in its infancy is less risky than it might appear, because "you can always work for a big company later," Razzaq says. "Large corporations are looking for ways to be more innovative and nimble, so people who have worked in an entrepreneurial environment are in demand."

    Good luck!

    Talkback: If you've worked for a startup, or work for one now, do you agree that the learning experience offsets the risk? If you're a hiring manager, do you prefer candidates with an entrepreneurial background? Leave a comment below.

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