就连莱文也难以鼓足刚正不阿的劲头。他似乎对手头的材料并不太熟悉,靠着工作人员准备的备注和(小声提词)硬撑,最后黔驴技穷,只得用冗长的发言阻挠立法投票。 苹果在调查委员会的亮相进行到后面,就只剩下莱文一再重复蒂姆•库克明显不赞同的两个要点,即苹果公司已将自身最优良的资产“转移”到“不交税”的实体中,而完全不给库克机会反驳。 你几乎可以听到无处不在的苹果死忠粉丝大声高呼,让库克打断莱文这番高谈阔论。 不过库克的忍耐没有白费。在库克担任证人的那两个小时里,苹果公司的股价从每股438美元涨到了每股444美元,让《赫芬顿邮报》网站的论断落了空。(财富中文网) 译者:项航 |
Even Levin was having a hard time getting up a head of righteous steam. Working from staff-prepared notes (and whispered instructions) on material he didn't seem to have mastered fully, he was left, at the end, with no choice but to filibuster. Levin spent the last long minutes of Apple's appearance before the subcommittee repeating -- again and again -- two talking points with which Tim Cook clearly disagreed (that the company had "shifted" its crown jewels to entities that paid "no taxes") but to which Apple's CEO was never given a chance to respond. You could almost hear Apple partisans everywhere shouting for Cook to interrupt the harangue. But his forbearance served him well. In the two hours that Cook was on the stand, Apple's shares actually rose -- from $438 to $444 -- in defiance of the HuffPo curse. |