今年三月,三星(Samsung)在一场轰轰烈烈如百老汇歌剧般的发布会上推出了Galaxy S4。华尔街当时一致预测它的销量即将超越苹果(Apple),因为iPhone 5上市已有半年,而目前尚无新品推出。
不过,事与愿违,三星近日宣布Galaxy S4销量低于预期。华尔街于是纷纷应和,称原因在于高端智能手机市场已经开始趋于饱和,而苹果iPhone销量也会受到影响,甚至会比Galaxy S4更严重。 所以,威瑞森(Verizon)上周四公布第二季度财报时,大家着实吃了一惊。数据显示,这家公司上季度激活的750万部智能手机中,有390万部(51%)是iPhone。 “390万部这个数字超过了我们预计的350万部。”宏桥信托投资集团(BTIG)分析师沃尔特•皮斯基在致客户的报告中写道:“而且,iPhone激活量在上季度增速超过40%,而一季度其涨幅还仅为25%。” 威瑞森并未透露剩下的360万部中有多少是Android手机,当然,其中三星手机占比多少我们更无从得知了。(财富中文网) 译者:项航 |
When Samsung introduced the Galaxy S4 with Broadway-style fanfare in March, the assumption on Wall Street was that it was going to steal a march on Apple (AAPL), whose newest iPhone was already 6 months old and not getting any younger. When Samsung sold fewer Galaxy S4s than expected, the assumption on the Street was that the market for high-end smartphones had become saturated, and that Apple's iPhone sales would suffer the same fate -- or worse -- as the Galaxy S4's. "3.9 million topped our estimate of 3.5 million," BTIG's Walter Piecyk wrote in a note to clients, "and growth in those activations accelerated to >40% in Q2 from 25% in Q1." Verizon didn't specify how many of the other 3.6 million activations were Android phones, or what percentage of those Androids were Samsung's. |