
“因此, iPhone可以最终被理解为一个复杂的服务业务。它通过手机账单来获取价值,但通过屏幕实现自身价值。 这是许多公司都试图玩弄的一个障眼法。它本质上利用1.3万亿美元的通信市场,通过占用通信电缆提供‘内容’来隐瞒收入。
His conclusion:
"The iPhone could thus be finally understood as a complex service business. It captures value through the phone bill but delivers value through a screen. A misdirection magic trick which many have tried to pull off. It's essentially tapping into the $1.3 trillion communications market, skimming profits by delivering the 'content' which lights up the wires.
"It's great except it does not work everywhere. Not yet at least. The complexity of services means that they are usually found in more advanced so-called service economies and rare in less developed so-called goods economies."
Now that's what I call smart analysis. Why don't we get more of it from the guys who are paid to do it on Wall Street?