
对于美国国家安全局(the National Security Agency)在美国国内开展间谍活动,谷歌(Google)或许是抱怨得最厉害、言辞也最激烈的一家公司,但向公众披露相关信息最多的却是苹果公司(Apple)。它发布的两份数据表信息量极大,而且内容相当丰富。 其中一份数据表给出了全球各地警方要求苹果提供设备信息的次数(通常是为了找到丢失或被盗的iPhone)。而另一份数据表则显示了警方要求苹果提供用户的帐户信息,比如姓名、地址等信息的次数。而警方的后一种做法颇受争议。 正如苹果上周二在报告中解释的那样,美国政府严格限制企业透露美国警方要求企业提供用户帐户信息这一做法的相关情况。 “美国政府已允许我们向公众披露与警方上述做法相关的部分信息,前提是我们将涉及国家安全的案例与根据帐户的执法案例合并到一起,而且不能披露具体的数字,而以间隔为1000的区间来表示。” 本文所附的图表显示了就人均而言,要求苹果提供相关信息次数最多的10个国家或地区的警方。对于美国政府的数据区间,我们以其中间值来代替(也就是说,用2,500来代替2000-3000)。 那些进入第一个十强榜单的国家,要么是盗窃最频发的国家,要么是警方最警惕的国家。新加坡位居这个榜单的榜首。 而第二个十强榜单披露了全球对数据监视最严的10个国家和地区,以美国为首。 以下是苹果公司发布的原始电子数据表。 |
Google (GOOG), may be complaining the loudest (and in the foulest language) about the National Security Agency's domestic spying activities, but it's Apple (AAPL) that provided the most data -- in the form of two large and surprisingly revealing spreadsheets (see below). One shows the number of device information requests made to Apple by police around the world (typically to recover lost or stolen iPhones). The other shows the more controversial requests for account information -- names, addresses etc. As Apple explained in thereport it issued Tuesday, the U.S. severely restricted what could be revealed about its account requests: "The U.S. government has given us permission to share only a limited amount of information about these orders, with the requirement that we combine national security orders with account-based law enforcement requests and report only a consolidated range in increments of 1000." For the attached charts, which show orders per capita for the 10 countries that issued the most requests, we used the mid-points of the U.S. government's ranges (i.e., 2,000-3,000 became 2,500). The countries in top chart could be thought of as the 10 nations with either the most petty thievery or the most vigilant police forces -- with Singapore on top. The bottom chart shows the 10 most aggressive data snoops, led by the U.S. Below: Apple's spreadsheets. |