






专栏 - 苹果2_0

苹果Mac Pro二代真机实测新鲜出炉

Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2013年12月30日

苹果Mac Pro二代造型新颖,工艺精良,性能强大,但还需要等待软件进行相应的优化和升级,它才能真正发挥潜力。

    Mac Pro的第一波评测出现在今年六月。当时,关于苹果(Apple)这款高端工作站的信息都是评测人士从它的照片和配置单上收集了解到的。上周,第二波评测终于新鲜出炉,这次的评测都是实际试用后的测评。但是,第二波测评仍然显得有些粗略。要想全面了解Mac Pro,必须等到视频评测出现,等到针对新配置的软件优化完毕。

    《纽约时报》(New York Times)的莫利•伍德:未来派Mac Pro游刃有余。“狂放不羁的设计。整个Mac Pro包裹在高约10英寸,深灰色的圆筒中,如此别致的外形反射出光怪陆离的倒影。打开可拆卸的外壳,看到的是整齐排列的电子工业杰作。Mac Pro顶部的散热片向上弯曲,可充当把手,可惜就视觉效果而言,他有点像垃圾桶或是烟灰缸。”

    科技网站The Verge总监兼编辑约翰•拉格玛西奥:“苹果保持了一贯的极简主义设计。不过一番使用后,我发现在朴实无华的外表下隐藏的是不容小觑的实力。它如此简洁,如此闪亮,如此具有金属质感,我仿佛看到了一颗蠢蠢欲动的巨大子弹被塞进一把让人不寒而栗的超大号散弹枪中。一丝战争的意味不由自主的在我脑中闪过……不过,这颗子弹倒是安静得出奇。即便运行繁重的任务,也绝不会在Mac Pro身上听到硬盘或是散热风扇的噪音。唯一提醒你这台电脑正在散热的是从它顶部排出的阵阵暖风,在电脑上方形成了一片范围颇大的热带气旋。”

    癮科技(Engadget)德纳•沃尔曼:很小,很快,独树一帜。“很难评论Mac Pro的价格,因为根本找不到可以与之对比的电脑。虽然市面上的Windows工作站数不胜数,但显而易见,没有一台如此小巧便携(就更不要说噪音了)。如果你是一位创意工作者,而且使用的是Final Cut Pro等Mac专用软件,那它是你唯一的选择。新款Mac Pro相比老款获得了全面提升,是升级的最佳选择。虽然2999美元(更不用说售价高达1000美元的版本)是笔不菲投入,但对于成天与工作站打交道的用户而言,它绝对物有所值,那些视时间为生命(从事图形渲染工作)的用户想必也深表同意。”

    科技网站The Verge大卫•皮尔斯:终于,苹果开始关注Pro了。“虽然在许多方面,Mac Pro无疑是有史以来最快最强大的Mac电脑。但实事求是地说,眼下的它还不能让你的工作效率马上有了突飞猛进的提升,因为许多软件都尚未进行优化。Mac Pro是苹果推出的专业工作站电脑,绝大部分软件都应该针对新款硬件进行升级优化。显然,Mac Pro性能强劲,处理许多任务都游刃有余,但就软件升级而言,Mac Pro二代与老款Mac Pro或是最新版iMac相比,软件方面的改进并不明显。

    科技博客T3马特•希尔:评测。“T3办公室里大家上次济济一堂围观电子产品时还是今年早些时候为了谷歌眼镜(Google Glass)的评测。我们还没有开机,小伙伴们就已经惊呆了。”(财富中文网)

    The first wave of Mac Pro stories arrived in June and covered what writers could glean about Apple's (AAPL) new high-end workstation from photo handouts and a spec sheet. The second wave arrived this week, with the first hands-on reviews. They're still pretty sketchy. For the full story, we're going to have to wait for the video pros -- and pro software optimized for the new specs.

    Molly Wood, New York Times:Futuristic Mac Pro Has Power to Spare. "The design is obviously an indulgence. The Mac Pro is a charcoal gray cylinder that stands about 10 inches high and reflects back a distorted, slightly menacing view of the world. The outer layer of the tube is removable, displaying the Pro's innards in a pleasing industrial array. A cutout at the top of the cylinder creates a lip that acts as a handle, and a visual effect sadly reminiscent of either a trash can or an ashtray."

    John Lagomarsino, Director / Editor at The Verge :"The design is sleek, but after working next to it, I can't help but feel there's something sinister about its unassuming looks. It's so straight, so shiny, so metallic — it reminds me of an oversized bullet waiting to be shoved down the barrel of some terrifying novelty sized shotgun. It's definitely got a military vibe that's a little unnerving... I love how quiet the machine is. It's impossible to hear over an external hard drive or ambient air conditioning noise, even under heavy loads. The only sign you'll have that it's cooling itself is the gentle rush of warm air coming out the top of the unit, which makes a surprisingly wide and uniform column of wind."

    Dana Wollman, Engadget:Small, fast and in a league of its own. "It's hard to say if the Mac Pro is pricey, per se, given that there's nothing else quite like it. There are plenty of Windows-based workstations, certainly, but none are quite this small or quite this portable (many aren't quite this quiet, either). And if you're a creative professional already hooked into Mac-only apps like Final Cut Pro, this is really your only choice: The new Mac Pro is a serious improvement over the old model in every way, and is likely worth the upgrade. So, while $2,999 (let alone $10,000) is indeed a big investment, it's well worth it for people who live and die by their workstation, and for whom (rendering) time is money."

    David Pierce, The Verge:At long last, the pros get some love. "In many ways, the Mac Pro is the fastest and most powerful Mac ever made. But today, as it stands, it's not a drop-in improvement that will instantly make any and every setup faster — its greatest tricks are enabled when software is specifically tuned to this hardware. Because this Mac Pro is now the de facto professional computer for Apple users, most important apps are virtually certain to be upgraded to support its particulars. There's clearly plenty of power here for almost any use case, but while we wait for software updates this machine isn't a particularly notable upgrade from the last-generation Pro, or the latest iMac."

    Matt Hill, T3:Verdict. "Not since our first "eyes on" experience with Google Glass earlier this year has the entire T3 office crowded round just to catch sight of a piece of technology. People were gawping before we'd even turned it on."

尺寸很重要:Mac Pro二代立放在一代上。图片:The Verge





