Nest Labs是硅谷炙手可热的新创企业,融合了苹果的设计风格和互联网产品理念,而且还低碳。之前普遍认为这家公司将在2014年或2015年上市,并有报道称Nest正在筹集1.5亿美元的风险投资,其估值约为20亿美元。本周三的消息打破了人们原先的猜测,Nest已经和股东之一谷歌达成协议——后者将以32亿美元现金收购前者全部资产。 Nest为什么要卖?这对其的未来有有何影响?在收购消息宣布后,《财富》编辑马上对Nest的联合创始人兼首席执行官托尼•法德尔进行了专访。以下为部分节选: 《财富》:你为什么会选择把公司卖掉? 法德尔:大多数公司有两种出路:要么独立发展,要么联合其他公司的力量,被吸纳到一起。谷歌的收购为我们勾绘出了一个充满希冀的未来前景:收购后我们可以享有大公司的全部资源,同时保有Nest未来的独立性。 这就是打动了Nest管理团队的点。我们中的大多数都曾在大公司任职过,明白大公司的规模有助于在全球开展生意。对我们来说,与其费时费力地搞区别不大的基础建设,远不如专注于产品和服务上,产品和服务正是我们所最为擅长的。这样我们能加速发展。在面对接下来被我们称为“智能家居”的产品浪潮之时,可以一直站在前列。 你是什么时候开始和谷歌接触进行洽谈的? 我们开始接触是在2011年2月,一次极其偶然的机会让我们遇见谢尔盖(谷歌联合创始人之一——译注)。从那以后,Nest和谷歌一直保持紧密联系,相互学习。双方第一次正式建立关系是谷歌风投参与了Nest的B轮融资,之后他们又进行了一轮投资。这是一次愉快而充满惊喜的合作。 去年夏天,当我们正在计划发展更多技术合作伙伴一类关系的时候,谷歌方面询问我们它还可以做些什么。我们当时搁置了这一问题,因为那会儿公司正在忙于新产品Nest Protect的发货。 但当我们寻求新一轮的投资时,谷歌开始提出它的收购计划。我们所有的选择都摆在眼前,但最终决定和钱没有关系。其他投资者们提出来的基本上都是空头支票。我们这么做是考虑到了公司规模,以及依赖谷歌的实力我们可以更快地推出二代产品。 当谷歌提出它的收购计划时,你是否试图联络过其他有意向的收购者? 我们的目标是扩展视野。有多少家公司有这个实力呢?我是要给自己搬个新家,而不是卖掉旧车。 好吧,让我们说的更具体些:你是否尝试过和苹果公司达成交易? 这个问题恕我不便讨论。 你觉得苹果公司还会在它的网上商店销售Nest的产品吗? 我们拥有十分热情且忠诚的iOS用户和安卓用户。我们并不会像苹果和谷歌那样进行竞争。将我们从苹果零售店中移除、减少iOS客户的选择,这是苹果的权利,对我们来说没有意义。我们十分珍惜自己和苹果的关系,就在今天我还收到了许多身在库比蒂诺(苹果总部所在地)的苹果员工们的祝福信息。 对你来说,谷歌具备如摩托罗拉、谷歌眼镜等硬件专长这一点有多重要? 这一点很重要,但不仅是关于硬件,还有软件、服务等其他方面。Nest也不仅是三者之一,我们会在硬件、软件、服务这三个方面综合发展。(财富中文网) 译者:王晓彤 |
FORTUNE -- Nest Labs is on of the hottest companies in Silicon Valley, combining the Internet-of-things with Apple-style design and an ability to reduce carbon consumption. It was widely believed to be an IPO candidate for either 2014 or 2015, with reports that it was in talks to raise another $150 million in venture capital at around a $2 billion valuation. Until today, when the company agreed to be acquired by Google (GOOG) -- an existing shareholder in the company -- for $3.2 billion in cash. So why sell? And what does it mean for Nest's future? What follows is an edited transcript of an interview with Nest co-founder and CEO Tony Fadell, conducted shortly after the announcement: Fortune: Why did you choose to sell the company? Fadell: Most companies have 2 paths: They either can stay independent or they can join forces with another company and get absorbed into it. Google made a very strong pitch for how we could have all the resources of a large company while retaining the independence of a next-generation Nest. That's what sold the management team at the end of the day. Most of us have been inside of a large company before and understand what large company scale applied directly can do to help create a world-class business. For us to spend more time building non-differentiated infrastructure rather than focus on products and services -- which is what we do best -- doesn't make sense. This allows us to accelerate and stay in front of the coming wave of products for what we like to call the conscious home. When did you first start talking to Google? Well, we started in February 2011 when we met Sergey on an off-chance, and the company since then has been very keen about learning more and working together. The first formal relationship was when Google Ventures made its first investment in our Series B round, and then made its second investment -- which we were very, and pleasantly, surprised by. Then last summer when we were planning more tech partnership-type relationships, Google asked how it could do more. We put them on hold for a while because we had to ship our next product, the Nest Protect, but when we began entertaining our next round of funding Google started presenting its case for an acquisition. All of our options were on the table and, at the end of the day, it wasn't about the money. Investors were basically offering us blank checks. It was about the scale and being able to realize the second generation quicker. Once Google made its pitch, did you reach out to other potential acquirers? Our goal was about accelerating our vision, and how many companies are really in position to do that? I'm going to a new home, not selling a used car. Okay, more specifically: Did you discuss a possible deal with Apple (AAPL)? I'm not at liberty to discuss that. Do you believe Apple will continue to sell Nest products in its stores? We have incredibly passionate iOS users and incredibly passionate Android users. We don't compete with what Apple or Google does, so while to reduce choice to users by removing us from Apple retail stores would be their perogative, it doesn't make sense to me. We very much value our Apple relationship, and today I've gotten a lot of nice notes from people in Cupertino. How important to you was it that Google now has hardware expertise, from Motorola to Glass? It's important, but it's not just hardware. It's hardware, software and services... Nest isn't just bringing one of those three things, we're bringing all three of those. |