芝加哥职业生涯发展公司Challenger, Gray & Christmas的首席执行官约翰•查伦吉尔也同意这个观点:“最出色的员工往往也最有可能获得新工作。所以管理者必须花时间为此早作准备。” 他随便还提到,接受挽留高薪也有一定的风险。“如果接受了一份和其他公司开给你的待遇相仿的薪水,并同意留在公司,那高层还是已经知道你是准备离职的,放出去的风是没法收回来的,”他指出。 接受这种待遇的人通常不会明说最后这份待遇如何让自己“事与愿违的”,但查伦吉尔是看到过挽留高薪是如何让人在公司里彻底断送晋升机会的活生生例子的。 他说:“这就好比跟配偶说自己出轨了。在一定程度上信任已经破裂了。这样当轮到要提拔谁时,大家很自然就会怀疑你会不会长期效忠于公司。”对那些还在掂量这种待遇的人来说,“就得好好考虑一下眼下拿的更多的钱是不是值得付出这些代价了”——或者是不是干脆就另谋高就来得更可取。 诚邀反馈:您曾经开出或接受过挽留高薪吗?做了这种决策后的结果怎样?请留下高见。(财富中文网) 译者:清远 |
John Challenger, CEO of Chicago career-development firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas, agrees: "Your best people are the ones who are most likely to get other offers. So managers have to take the time to plan for that." Challenger also notes, incidentally, that accepting a counteroffer carries its own risks. "If you take an offer that matches the one you got from another company, and you agree to stay, higher-ups still know you were planning to quit," he points out. "You can't unring that bell." You don't say how the deal you accepted at your previous employer "sort of backfired," but Challenger has seen counteroffers put an end to people's advancement in companies. "It's kind of like telling your spouse you had an affair," he says. "On some level, trust has been broken. So when it comes to promotions, for example, there's now a seed of doubt about whether you're really committed for the long run." To anyone weighing a counteroffer, Challenger adds, "you have to consider whether that possibility is worth a bigger paycheck" -- or whether it makes more sense to simply take the other offer and move on. Talkback: Have you ever made a counteroffer, or accepted one? How did that decision turn out? Leave a comment below. |