苹果(Apple)在本周一宣布,新一代iPhone开售头三天的销量已经超过了1,000万台。这超出了一些分析家的预计,也打破了去年900万台的纪录。 而大屏幕的iPhone 6与加大款(并且利润更高)的iPhone 6 Plus的销量有多大差距呢? 苹果并未透露这个数字。他们不想让竞争者知道这一信息。 本周末,我们确实从第三方得到了一些估值,不过它们来自不同的消息源,而且有趣的是,它们相互矛盾。 上面的表格来自手机分析公司Mixpanel,不过其竞争者Chitika和Fiksu得出的数据与此相差不大。它们都显示,最初三天内iPhone 6的活跃度(包括应用内购买等)是iPhone 6 Plus的七倍以上。 |
Apple announced Monday that it sold more than 10 million new iPhones over the first three days of sales — defying some analysts’ predictions and beating last year’s record 9 million. How were those sales split between the big iPhone 6 and the bigger (and more profitable) iPhone 6 Plus? The company did not say. That’s information they’ll want to keep from their competitors. We did get some third-party estimates over the weekend, but they came from different types of sources, and — curiously — they contradict each other. The chart above happens be from the mobile analytics firm Mixpanel, but the ones put out by its competitors, Chitika and Fiksu, are not much different. They all show iPhone 6 activity (in-app purchases, etc.) over the first three days outpacing the iPhone 6 Plus by more than seven to one. |

然而派杰投行(Piper Jaffray)周五对在纽约和明尼阿波利斯购买iPhone的386名顾客进行了调查,得出了截然不同的结果:超过半数(57%)顾客表示他们排队是为了够买iPhone 6 Plus。只有43%的顾客是为了购买iPhone 6。 这一差异性十分重要。因为两款iPhone销量所占的比例,将决定该设备的平均销售价格,这在苹果的收入中占据了一半以上的份额。 导致这一现象的原因是什么?是中国。 中国市场对尺寸类似Galaxy Note的手机的需求很大,而新款iPhone并未在那里上市。在美国苹果零售店开售首日的队伍中,瞄准中国市场的手机转售商占据了绝大部分,尤其是在纽约这类城市。根据2012年的人口普查数据,纽约的美籍华人数量为522,619人。 一位游客估计,周六在纽约Soho区的苹果商店的顾客中,有90%都是亚洲人。 情况就是这样:即便这部分手机已经设法流入了中国并已被激活,Fiksu和Mixpanel可能也没有把它们算进去。 Fiksu在说明中写道:“我们的示意图主要体现了美国和欧洲的情况,因为Fiksu的多数客户都注重在这些地区发展用户。我们在亚太区的数据可能不具备代表性。” |
Yet a Piper Jaffray survey of 386 customers lined up Friday to buy iPhones in New York City and Minneapolis returned a very different result: More than half (57%) said they were in the queue to buy the iPhone 6 Plus. Only 43% were there for the iPhone 6. The discrepancy is significant because the mix of phones will determine the average selling price of the device that accounts for more than half of Apple’s revenues. What explains it? China. Resellers buying for the Chinese market — where demand for Galaxy Note-size phones is strong and the new iPhones not yet available — dominated first-day Apple Store lines in the U.S., especially in cities like New York, where the Chinese American population, according the 2012 census, is 522,619. On Saturday, one visitor estimated, 90% of the buyers at the Apple’s Soho store were Asians. Here’s the thing: Even if those iPhones had already found their way to China and been activated, Fiksu and Mixpanel might not have counted them. “Our map is zoomed in to show the US and Europe because the majority of Fiksu’s clients focus on user acquisition in those areas,” reads Fiksu’s fine print. “Our data on Asia-Pacific may not be representative.” |