摩根士丹利:大屏iPhone 6 Plus最受中国消费者青睐

新版iPhone的材料费低于预期,其价位有利于推动向上销售,而且相比去年的版本,更大尺寸屏幕的确能让苹果公司(Apple)降低生产成本。因此,新版iPhone会提高iPhone的平均售价,并会因此额外产生数十亿美元的收入。 这是摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)分析师凯蒂•赫伯蒂周二给客户发布的一份研究报告的核心内容。这份报告附有两份颇有价值的图表。 首先是一个饼形图,该图数据来自对中国购买者的专项调查。图中显示,中国购买者更加偏爱5.5寸的iPhone 6 Plus,从人数上看,是美国购买者的近两倍(26%)。 第二个图(见下文)是摩根士丹利对当前iPhone版本的详细分解,涵盖从无锁版价格到材料清单再到利润空间等内容。图中显示,128GB iPhone 6 Plus的毛利率高达48.8%。NAND闪存的涨价幅度尤其大。 “与16GBiPhone 6相比,”赫伯蒂写道,“我们估计64GBiPhone 6的增量毛利率为61%,而128GBiPhone 6的增量毛利率为55%。”(财富中文网)
译者:邹焕平/汪皓 |
With a bill of materials that’s lower than expected, price tiers that strongly encourage up-selling and a larger screen that actually costs Apple less to manufacturer than last year’s model, the new line of iPhones should sweeten the iPhone average selling price and generate an extra couple billion dollars in revenue. That’s the thrust of a note to clients issued Tuesday by Morgan Stanley’s Katy Huberty. It was accompanied by a two useful charts. The first is a pie chart generated from that proprietary survey of Chinese buyers. It shows a preference for the 5.5-inch model that’s nearly double that of U.S. buyers (26%). The second, copied below, is Morgan Stanley’s breakdown of the current iPhone lineup, from unlocked price, through bill of materials, to profit margins. It shows gross margins reaching 48.8% on the 128GB iPhone 6 Plus. The mark-up for NAND memory is particularly rich. “Compared to the 16GB iPhone 6,,” writes Huberty, “we estimate 61% incremental margin for the 64 GB version and 55% for the 128 GB version.” |