
以前我一直觉得这样的基金应该出现在互联网泡沫时期,或是参与了谷歌或Facebook的早期投资。然而,种子基金Lowercase Ventures Fund I的一位有限合伙人昨天向我透露了一些机密文件。这只于2010年完成840万美元融资的基金目前投资了租车服务公司Uber、分布式应用开发平台Docker、制作用户体验优化软件的Optimizely以及美容美发预约网站StyleSeat;已经退出的投资对象则有图片共享服务供应商Instagram(已被Facebook收购)和社交网站Twitter。
我曾向另类资产信息供应商Preqin索要历史上表现最好的风投基金名单,但在他们提供的数据中,没有哪只基金的总回报率(当然,是未实现回报)接近Lowercase Ventures Fund I(包括那些互联网泡沫时期的基金)。当然,有些基金的现金回报更多,特别是在股权出资承诺的起步点更高的情况下。如果大家知道回报率更高的风投基金,请务必通知我。
Lowercase Capital创始合伙人克里斯•萨卡拒绝就此发表评论,这很可能是因为这些文件里所提到的一则警告——“口风不紧会导致回报率下降”。(财富中文网)
审稿:李翔 |
Can you name the best-performing venture capital fund in history?
My guesses would have been something from the dotcom era or a fund that got in early with Google GOOG 0.32% or Facebook FB 2.66% . But yesterday I was leaked some confidential documents from a limited partner in Lowercase Ventures Fund I, an $8.4 million seed fund that closed back in 2010. Active portfolio companies include Uber, Docker, Optimizely and StyleSeat, while exited deals include Instagram (sold to Facebook) and Twitter TWTR 4.86% .
This would appear to be the winner, at least from a return multiple perspective.
Through Q3, the fund had returned 3.47x of called capital and was “sitting on an additional 76.19x net value.” But that Q3 timing is important, because it does not reflect the massive Q4 appreciation that would have occurred after Uber’s most recent financing at around a $40 billion valuation.
If you update Uber’s fair market value from the $62.05 per share mark in the Lowercase doc to the new $133 per share figure, the fund’s overall return multiple on committed capital climbs to a whopping 216x. Or, in real dollars, nearly $1.3 billion on just under $6 million in call-downs (including approximately $23 million in cash and stock distributions for exited companies).
Finally, from what I can tell, there are no management fees currently being paid.
I asked the folks at data provider Preqin to send over their list of top-performing VC funds in history, and they don’t have anything that has (admittedly unrealized) gross multiples close to this (including from the dotcom era). There are certainly funds that have returned more hard cash — particularly given that equity commitments were much larger to begin with — but if you do know of something with better multiples, please be sure to let me know.
Lowercase founder and partner Chris Sacca declined comment, likely because the docs include a warning about how “loose lips sink returns.” |