谷歌 |
2012年《财富》500强排名:第55位 2012年利润(单位:百万美元):10,737 近来总能见到谷歌联席创始人拉里•佩奇戴着公司最新的发明——谷歌眼镜。谷歌管理层对创新的大力支持也正在开始获得回报。2012年,谷歌的利润高达108亿美元,较2011年增长了10.3%。公司的销售额也创下了522亿美元的记录新高。搜索仍然是谷歌的核心业务,广告收益促使其高速增长——但在2011年5月,谷歌以125亿美元收购摩托罗拉移动(Motorola Mobility)的交易也显示了它对挺进硬件业务领域的浓厚兴趣。——C.L. |
Fortune 500 rank: 55 2012 profit (millions): 10,737 Nowadays, it's rare to see co-founder Larry Page undecorated by the company's newest gadget, Google Glass. But the Google management team's obvious support for innovation is paying off. Profits hit $10.8 billion in 2012, up 10.3% from the previous year. The company also had a record sales year, topping off at $52.2 billion. Search remains its core business, and advertising has allowed the tech company to grow quickly—but its $12.5 billion acquisition of Motorola Mobility last May signals a serious interest in expanding its hardware business. --C.L. |