福特野马于1964年首次亮相,它的历史比马自达Miata更悠久,野马新一代车型的问世也标志着这个品牌进入了鼎盛时期。开着它,让人不禁回想起以汉堡、摇滚、汽车电影院和电影《美国风情画》(American Graffiti)为标志的美国六七十年代。
这款跑车的不足之处在于它的工艺还停留在20世纪的水平,尤其是后悬挂太硬,好在它的怀旧感为我们提供了些许安慰。好消息是新款野马敞篷车使用了标准的3.7升V6发动机,能泵出305马力,因此老款的V8发动机可以光荣下岗了。坏消息是因兼顾性能与燃油经济性而广受好评的福特EcoBoost发动机并没有安装在这款跑车上。 |
4.Ford Mustang Convertible
Base Price: $31,310
Having made its debut in 1964, the Mustang has been around longer than the Miata and came into its prime with the current generation. Riding in it brings back memories of burgers, shakes, drive-in movies, and "American Graffiti."
The nostalgia compensates for the 20th century engineering, notably the solid rear axle. The good news is that a V-8 is superfluous, given the 305 horsepower put out by the standard 3.7 liter V-6. The bad news is that Ford's acclaimed EcoBoost engine that combines performance with fuel economy isn't an option. |