苹果公司(Apple)的运营总监一职无疑是个重要的岗位。在科技界的偶像人物、公司CEO史蒂夫•乔布斯因病休假的背景下,这个职位显得更加重要。在乔布斯病休的这段时间里,运营总监蒂姆•库克担负起了公司日常运营的重任,而且人们也普遍认为库克是最有可能接替乔布斯的人。库克是杜克大学(Duke)的MBA毕业生,曾在康柏电脑公司(Compaq)任副总裁,并曾在IBM任职12年之久。库克是美国南方人士,爱穿翻领衫,不爱穿圆领衫,比乔布斯更沉默寡言一些。人们普遍夸赞他具有无穷无尽力的精力和才能(另外他还喜欢穿蓝衫衬,不打领带)。不难想象,一旦乔布斯功成身退,库克将很有可能接过他的衣钵。 |
Tim Cook
Company: Apple
Current CEO: Steve Jobs
The chief operating officer of Apple computers is an important job, but it got more important when Steve Jobs, CEO and tech idol, took medical leave. In his absence, COO Tim Cook began running the day-to-day operations of the tech giant, and is widely believed to be the leading candidate to succeed him. Cook is a Duke MBA grad, a former vice president at Compaq, and a 12-year IBM veteran. A southerner who favors collared shirts over turtlenecks, he's a bit more buttoned up than Jobs. But with a reputation for boundless energy and capability (plus blue jeans sans tie), it's not unimaginable that he could inherent Jobs' mantle as the paragon of techie cool. |