



 作者: JP Mangalindan    时间: 2011年09月30日    来源: 财富中文网
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    官方消息:亚马逊(Amazon)计划中的新款Kindle可不止一种,而是四种——几乎满足了各个用户群体的需求。业界普遍认为亚马逊将是iPad的竞争对手,此次它推出了四款产品:Kindle Fire平板电脑,配备彩色屏幕与多媒体功能;两款Kindle Touch产品,配备电子墨水(e-ink)黑白触摸屏;以及当前电子书阅读器的接班人——新款Kindle,并继续沿用了按键操作功能。


    新款Kindle (79美元)


    新款Kindle仅配备了10个物理按键:左侧和右侧各有两个翻页键(延续了之前的风格),底部共有六个按键,可进行系统设置、返回主屏幕、返回上一页,以及一个四维方向键控制的软件键盘。电子书背面采用橡胶材质,具有防滑功能,这与巴诺公司(Barnes & Noble)近期推出的Nook电子书截然不同。


    Kindle Touch (WiFi广告版为99美元;3G无广告版为149美元)

    其实,Kindle Touch可以看做是传统Kindle与Kindle Fire之间的过渡产品:一方面,这款产品保留了Kindle用户钟爱的e-ink屏幕,同时又融合了触摸功能。在此之前,新款Nook和Kobo Touch电子书便已具备了触摸功能,更不用提iPad了。

    这款结实小巧的电子书与79美元的非触摸款外形类似,正面采用塑料材质,而背面则同样以橡胶制成。但Kindle Touch减少了按键数量,仅在前端保留了一个物理按键,使用户可返回主屏幕,而其他导航操作均通过滑动、轻击和捏合(可放大和缩小文字大小)等动作完成。这样的设计使得该产品更加轻便小巧,虽说算不上令人心动,但却更为实用。(在笔者看来,近期发布的Nook在外观上要略胜一筹。)


    Kindle Fire(199美元)

    亚马逊“严防死守的”秘密武器终于登台亮相。这款产品的配置与科技博客预测的基本符合:7英寸彩色背光式屏幕,售价199美元,配以深度订制的安卓系统(Android),而外观则类似于黑莓(BlackBerry)的平板电脑Playbook,只是Kindle Fire更为轻薄。而采用的处理器则超出之前的预测:1GHz双核OMAP4处理器,其强大的处理能力,足以确保应用的流畅运行。

    但实际上,这款产品的核心优势还在于其“软件”,即整合亚马逊多年来打造的一系列服务——mp3服务、安卓应用商店、影视租赁等,公司推出这些服务的目的是让用户通过点击就可在线使用这些内容。Kindle Fire主屏幕的一大亮点是一个菜单栏,其中包括杂志、图书、音乐、文档和视频等分类,而下方则采用了类似苹果公司封面旋转(Cover Flow)特效的“新型旋转木马”,以流畅的滚动查看的方式显示近期浏览过的应用、网站、图书和其他内容等。

    虽然我们未能尽情体验Kindle Fire的各项功能,但我们非常看好它的前景。Kindle Fire并未配备摄像头、话筒或3G等功能,因此苹果不必担心iPad用户会移情别恋。但在电子阅读器领域,亚马逊着实煞费苦心。


    It's official: Amazon didn't just have one new Kindle in the works, but four -- nearly one for every user scenario. The widely anticipated iPad competitor ended up being a quartet: the Kindle Fire, sporting a color screen and multimedia functionality; two flavors of the Kindle Touch, with a black-and-white, e-ink touchscreen; and the Kindle, a button-operated successor to today's model.

    Amazon (AMZN) boss Jeff Bezos unveiled the new models at an Apple-like press event in Manhattan this morning. "I believe Kindle is an end-to-end service," he began. "I believe it is because we have been inventing and improving that service over the last four years." Indeed, that book-driven ecosystem has boosted the Kindle, which currently owns some 52% of the e-reader market. Fortune got up close and personal with the new Kindles:

    The Kindle ($79)

    This one's for the e-reader purist who prefers buttons that actually click. In fact, the model hews to the old adage, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." That explains why it has probably changed the least: the user interface is almost exactly the same, and battery life is still rated at more than a month. The physical keyboard, however, was cut to make the actual reader 30% lighter and 18% smaller, easily reaching a featherweight status of 5.98 ounces.

    Now, there are just 10 physical buttons: previous and next page buttons on both the left and right sides (just like before) and a bottom row with six buttons that among other things, take you to settings, the home screen, the previous screen and a software keyboard navigated by four-way directional button. Meanwhile, the back has a rubbery, grippy texture not unlike Barnes & Noble's (BKS) recently-refreshed Nook.

    At a downright impulse-worthy $79, there's not much to dislike here.

    The Kindle Touch ($99 for WiFi-only with ads; $149 for 3G, ad-free)

    Think of the Kindle Touch as the bridge between the classic Kindle and the Kindle Fire: it still has the e-ink screen some Kindle readers prefer but integrates the touch-based user experience the new Nook and Kobo Touch -- not to mention the iPad -- introduced before it.

    It's a solid little slab with a similar-looking plastic front and rubberized texture as the $79 non-touch model, but with fewer buttons. There's only one front-facing physical button that takes users back to the home screen, while the rest of the navigation is done via swipes, taps and pinches to enlarge and shrink text size. This lends the Kindle a much cleaner, minimal look that's utilitarian, if not exactly impressive. (The recently-refreshed Nook still wins in the looks department, in my opinion.)

    The interface stays largely the same, though there is one notable addition with "X-Ray." This takes e-reader footnotes to another level by pulling, aggregating and displaying references in a book -- notable items, characters/people and phrases -- in one screen. The innovative feature allows users to see how many times these "bones" are referenced and tap a scrubber to reach those points in the book. For now, X-Ray is only available on the Touch -- one Amazon executive said the company did so to differentiate the e-reader from the rest of the line -- but eventually, it will make its way to other models.

    The Kindle Fire ($199)

    Amazon's worst-kept secret is finally out in the open. Much of what the tech blogs reported proved true: a 7-inch color backlit screen, a $199 price point, a customized version of Android and a chassis that looks a lot like the BlackBerry (RIMM) PlayBook with a thinner bezel. Under the hood, it's packing a faster processor than previously expected: a 1 GHz dual-core OMAP4 processor. That should be powerful enough to keep apps humming along.

    Really though, it's all about the software, a cohesive-looking experience integrating many of the features Amazon has built out over the years -- an mp3 service, the Android app store, movie rentals -- that the company developed to ensure that much of the users' content is one click away. The home screen highlights a menu bar up top with categories like Newsstand, Books, Music, Docs and Video, while an Apple (AAPL) Cover Flow-like "recency carousel," displays all the apps, web sites, books and other content you've perused in one fluid-scrolling row.

    Though we weren't allowed to spend as much time with the Kindle Fire as we would have liked, what we saw looked promising. Without features like a camera, mic, or 3G option, the Kindle Fire won't likely cause many iPad users to jump ship. But as far as e-readers are concerned, Amazon has upped the ante yet again.



@关子临: 自信也许会压倒聪明,演技的好坏也许会压倒脑力的强弱,好领导就是循循善诱的人,不独裁,而有见地,能让人心悦诚服。    参加讨论>>
@DuoDuopa:彼得原理,是美国学者劳伦斯彼得在对组织中人员晋升的相关现象研究后得出的一个结论:在各种组织中,由于习惯于对在某个等级上称职的人员进行晋升提拔,因而雇员总是趋向于晋升到其不称职的地位。    参加讨论>>
@Bruce的森林:正念,应该可以解释为专注当下的事情,而不去想过去这件事是怎么做的,这件事将来会怎样。一方面,这种理念可以帮助员工排除杂念,把注意力集中在工作本身,减少压力,提高创造力。另一方面,这不失为提高员工工作效率的好方法。可能后者是各大BOSS们更看重的吧。    参加讨论>>

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