作者:Bro Uttal
领导苹果公司实现变革的难度远远超过斯库利(1983年至1993年期间担任苹果公司首席执行官——译注)最初的想象。乔布斯执掌公司时,苹果对产品的关注近乎狂热:他所描绘的“酷毙了”的新型电脑让公司上下兴奋不已。但到1984年年初,斯库利却将苹果的所有部门整合成三个:一个负责公司所有产品的销售,一个负责苹果二代产品系列,另外一个则主要负责公司即将推出的麦金塔(Macintosh)电脑,并由乔布斯担任该部门总经理。 |
The Fall of Steve Jobs
By Bro Uttal
Transforming Apple was a tougher task than Sculley first imagined. Under Jobs the company had acquired a near-maniacal focus on products: the chairman electrified Apple's corps with talk of "insanely great" new computers. By the beginning of 1984, though, Sculley had managed to consolidate Apple's divisions into just three: a sales division for all products, a division for the Apple II family of products, and one with the forthcoming Macintosh as its centerpiece and Jobs as its general manager. |