



 作者: Philip Elmer-DeWitt    时间: 2011年10月19日    来源: 财富中文网
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    作为CEO,是否考虑过派发股息或回购股票?是否考虑过相残效应(cannibalization)?库克:目前确实存在相残效应。有些人宁愿选择iPad,而不是Mac。但与此相比,放弃Windows PC购买iPad的人更多。所以,我相信这样的相残效应还会继续存在。关于现金:我们不会因为手里有了现金就大手大脚。我们不会用这些现金做愚蠢的事情。我们收购了几家公司,购买知识产权,进行生产投资,建立商店。但我对现金并不迷信。长期来看,这是董事会的责任,我们会继续讨论如何妥善使用现金。奥本海默指出,大部分现金都来自海外市场。




    关于日本市场:与其他地区相比,收入与售出设备数量之间的差异在日本市场更大。去年,iPhone 4在日本上市后,这一差额大幅扩大。而另一方面,Mac产品在日本市场却为公司带来了较多的收入。

    关于iPad价格问题:库克没有正面回应,而是反复强调,他认为平板电脑市场存在巨大的机遇,并称苹果正在准备推出不可思议的新产品(估计是iPad 3)。



    Question about price reductions on iPhones. Cook: "We did it because we wanted to make the iPhone more accessible to a broader market." Mentions post-pay market. It also has advantages in the pre-pay markets. We did it for both markets.

    Follow up on component pricing and unibody casing. Cook: Currently investigating the casing issue, already priced into our guidance. NAND, DRAM and LCDs pricing looks very favorable. Generally a very positive market from supply point of view.

    Question about iPad distribution rollout and new markets. Cook: We are in 90 countries with iPad. We have about 40,000 points of sale around the world. 50,000 on iPod, 120,000 for iPhone. With the iPhone numbers, it's crystal clear there was a slowdown. That is not the case with iPad. Somewhere in the quarter we achieved a supply-demand balance with iPad and stayed there for the rest of the quarter. In terms of other countries, we have already started placing efforts in the countries I mentioned. There are some countries that have protectionist structures for products that aren't built at least in part there. In China we did everything we know how to do, from stores to advertising. We won't be doing all of that in the countries I named, but we'll do portions of it.

    Question about thoughts dividends or share buybacks, now that you are CEO? And what about PC cannibalization. Cook: I do believe we are seeing cannibalization. Some people are buying an iPad rather than a Mac. But more people are buying an iPad rather than an Windows PC. With cannibalization like this, I hope it continues. Regarding cash: Cash not burning a hole in our pocket. We're not the kind of people to do silly things with it. We've acquired several companies, bough intellectual property, invested in production, built out stores. But I'm not religious about cash. It's a topic for the board on an ongoing basis and we will continue to discuss it. Oppenhiemer points out that most of that cash is overseas.

    Question: Is buying back shares a philosophical white flag that you can't create value through innovation. Cook: We have a pipeline that is unbelievable. I view them to be totally distinct things. The cash is always a topic -- we will always do what is in Apple's (i.e. not investors) best interest.

    Cook talks about the size of the 1.5 billion handset market. We are very focused on that.

    Question about the extra week. Is it truly linear? 14th week ends New Years Day, a big day for Apple, but not the biggest.

    Question about Japan. Disparity between revenue vs. units larger than other regions. A huge bump last year from iPhone 4 launch in Japan, so a tough compare. On the other had gained a lot on the Mac side in Japan.

    Question about iPad in terms of price of the device. Cook ducks. Reiterates that he sees the tablet market as a huge opportunity and repeats claim that Apple has fantastic things in the pipeline (presumably the iPad 3).

    That's a wrap. A replay of the webcast will be available for two weeks at replay 888-203-1112; passcode 2922403.



@关子临: 自信也许会压倒聪明,演技的好坏也许会压倒脑力的强弱,好领导就是循循善诱的人,不独裁,而有见地,能让人心悦诚服。    参加讨论>>
@DuoDuopa:彼得原理,是美国学者劳伦斯彼得在对组织中人员晋升的相关现象研究后得出的一个结论:在各种组织中,由于习惯于对在某个等级上称职的人员进行晋升提拔,因而雇员总是趋向于晋升到其不称职的地位。    参加讨论>>
@Bruce的森林:正念,应该可以解释为专注当下的事情,而不去想过去这件事是怎么做的,这件事将来会怎样。一方面,这种理念可以帮助员工排除杂念,把注意力集中在工作本身,减少压力,提高创造力。另一方面,这不失为提高员工工作效率的好方法。可能后者是各大BOSS们更看重的吧。    参加讨论>>

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